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Family for Every Child has shared three pre-recorded presentations to watch in advance of their Online Event on Kinship Care in Brazil on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time.
Guyana became the 100th Contracting Party to the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention on 5 February 2019, according to this news release from the Hague Conference.
El objetivo de este documento es identificar y transmitir las características del método que ha empleado RELAF para generar la adecuación de los subsistemas de protección integral de derechos de los niños privados de cuidados familiares o en riesgo de perderlos, haciendo énfasis en procesos de desinstitucionalización.
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the interactions between children and their siblings in an institutional shelter in Brazil.
World Vision commissioned the research, 'No Choice', to better understand children associated with armed groups.
In this webinar presented by RISE Learning Network, Omattie Madray and Zenainda Rosales presented an extensive study recently carried out which analyzed over 100 documents and conducted over 20 interviews to gain insights on practices of organizations supporting and caring for boys affected by sexual violence in their recovery process.
"Some 3 million Venezuelans have migrated in three years, putting a growing strain on the country’s children as more parents are forced into the heart-wrenching decision to leave," says this article from Reuters.
The main objective of this study is to explore, from a bottom-up perspective, the moderating effect of an experienced happiness indicator (OHS) and the daily-life activities shared between caregivers and adolescents in the residential care system in Peru.
This brief provides an overview of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Migration Hub, established by Save the Children in Panama to support migration work in the region.
In this article, the experience, difficulties and perspectives of the first health training program for foster child care facilities personnel in Argentina are presented.