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This report consolidates findings from a rapid participatory consultation with: (1) migrant girls in the Northeastern Colombia border region, (2) front-line practitioners providing services to migrant children and their families, and (3) Save the Children teams in Colombia.
This call to public authorities presents recommendations from RELAF for preventing family separation and implementing adequate care and protection measures to protect children’s rights put at risk by the pandemic and its implications.
Este llamado a las autoridades públicas presenta recomendaciones de RELAF para tomar las medidas de prevención y atención adecuadas para garantizar el derecho a la vida familiar y comunitaria en el marco de la pandemia.
The objective of this study was to provide data on the effects of bullying suffered at school on different cognitive and affective SWB measures (OLS, PWI and OHS) of early and late adolescents in residential care.
The Finding the Way Home documentary highlights the painful realities of the eight million children living in orphanages and other institutions around the world, telling the stories of six children in Brazil, Bulgaria, Haiti, Nepal, India and Moldova who have found their way into the care of loving families after spending periods of their lives in an institution.
El presente informe de sistematización tiene como propósito hacer accesible la información producida en la Cumbre de la etapa final del análisis transversal del sistema de protección de la niñez, y ser una herramienta de comunicación y planificación al servicio de las instituciones públicas que formaron parte de este proceso.
The purpose of this systematization report is to make available the information produced at the Summit in the final stage of the cross-sectional review of the child protection system in Paraguay, and to be a communication and planning tool at the service of the Government agencies that were part of this process.
Considering the importance of preventing and better understanding neglect, the present paper aims to describe and discuss similarities and differences among negligent families, comparing them to other families in terms of socioeconomic aspects and risk factors related to neglect.
El presente estudio aborda la realidad del impacto de la migración forzosa en niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos.
This chapter from the book Education in Out-of-Home Care aims to (1) provide an overview of educational background and educational expectations of adolescents aging out of care in Brazil; (2) examine associations between educational background and extracurricular activity and placement characteristics; and (3) discuss the specificities of education in care for adolescents in Brazil as well as its similarities with other countries.