
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Jared I. Best, Jennifer E. Blakeslee - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study incorporated a network approach to understanding how youth discussed strong ties and defined closeness in relationships.

Mariette Chartier, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article investigates the efficacy of the Families First Home Visiting (FFHV) program, which aims to enhance parenting skills and strengthen relationships between parents and their children.

Kim Phagan-Hansel - The Chronicle of Social Change,

This article from the Chronicle of Social Change describes the establishment of a new organization in the U.S. aimed at helping to replicate the 30 Days to Family program, an intense, short-term intervention to place children with relatives within a month of entering foster care.

Nicole Acevedo - NBC News,

"Over 30,000 children in Guatemala were adopted internationally decades ago but some have learned they were taken away from their birth families," says this article from NBC News.

Brittany P. Mihalec-Adkins, Sharon L. Christ, Elizabeth Day - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study uses a nationally representative sample of adolescent foster youth in the U.S. to test a model of the influences of placement-related factors on school engagement – namely, foster youth’s perceptions of security in their foster placements, their reports of education-specific involvement by foster caregivers, and the mediating potential of adolescents’ expectations for their future.

Ministerio de la Niñez y Adolescencia y Ministerio de la Defensa Pública con la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Ministerio Público,

El presente informe de sistematización tiene como propósito hacer accesible la información producida en la Cumbre de la etapa final del análisis transversal del sistema de protección de la niñez, y ser una herramienta de comunicación y planificación al servicio de las instituciones públicas que formaron parte de este proceso.

Ministry of Children and Adolescents and Ministry of Public Defense with the Supreme Court of Justice and the Office of the Public Prosecutor,

The purpose of this systematization report is to make available the information produced at the Summit in the final stage of the cross-sectional review of the child protection system in Paraguay, and to be a communication and planning tool at the service of the Government agencies that were part of this process.

Taekyung Park & Barbara Pierce - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aimed to examine how organizational factors, particularly leadership, affect child welfare worker turnover intentions in order to help child welfare agencies establish a practice model that prevents the turnover of qualified workers.

Saahoon Hong, Won Seok Choi, Kristine N. Piescher, Yanchen Zhang, Taeho Greg Rhee - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, comparative analysis and linear mixed modeling with propensity score matching were used to identify the extent to which students involved with child protection service (CPS) utilized an inter-district open enrollment option and to examine their academic achievement before and after switching schools.

Sarah Mountza & Moshoula Capous-Desyllas - Children and Youth Services Review,

Theoretically informed by intersectionality, queer, and feminist theories, the purpose of this community based qualitative research study was to gain a nuanced understanding of the experiences of 25 diverse LGBTQ former foster youth before, during, and after being in foster care.