
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Tyrone C. Cheng & Celia C. Lo - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study intended to identify factors associated with receipt of mental health services by caregivers substantiated for maltreatment.


In this webinar, Barbara Fallon of the University of Toronto and Delphine Collin-Vezina of McGill University will share information from the new University of Toronto Policy Bench report, Child Welfare and Pandemics Literature Scan (Sistovaris et al., 2020), including current knowledge of child welfare and pandemics, the impact on children in the Canadian child welfare system, potential policy solutions that could mitigate the detrimental effects of pandemics, and the measures taken to control the spread of disease.

Better Care Network and ReThink Orphanages,

This report lays out the results of a preliminary mapping exercise to document the ways in which the United States supports and perpetuates overseas orphanages. It is based on: an analysis of existing data; a literature review of U.S government publications and investments; a review of non-profit organizations and foundation activities; an analysis of key supply chains and stakeholders; and the identification of existing data gaps.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This brief from the Center for the Study of Social Policy in the U.S. calls for "a much more robust and permanent solution to ensure that everyone has access to paid leave who needs it, during this immediate crisis, and into the future."

Amnesty International,

This report from Amnesty International outlines the "reckless response" of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the COVID-19 crisis, which threatens public health, and calls for the release of immigration detainees.

Robin Ghertner, Emily Madden, and Gilbert Crouse - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ,

Parental opioid use disorder (OUD) is a risk factor for the maltreatment of children and placement into foster care. This brief explores the availability of opioid agonist therapy (OAT) in U.S. counties experiencing different increases in foster care entry rates.

Mary Ann Davis - International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family,

This chapter focuses on the U.S. as the nation with the largest number of adoptions. Although adoptions represent a small portion of family growth, from a demographer’s point of view they are worth investigating.

David Dodge - New York Times,

This article from the New York Times reviews how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting surrogacy, foster care, and adoption in the United States.

Tonya Simpson - ABC News,

This article from ABC News describes the impacts the COVID-19 crisis has had on families in the US whose children are in foster care, including the halting of family reunifications.


FUNDASAMIN abre una convocatoria para capacitar a aspirantes a Operador de Hogares convivenciales en Argentina, en promoción y prevención en salud. La capacitación en salud comienza en abril del corriente año, es a distancia, con modalidad virtual y dos encuentros presenciales de integración.