Central Asia

Displaying 31 - 40 of 109

List of Organisations

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia,

This post from the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia website describes how UNICEF is mobilizing to protect marginalized and vulnerable children – including those with disabilities – against the impact of COVID 19 in the region.

Isabel De Bruin Cardoso, Lopa Bhattacharjee, Claire Cody, Joanna Wakia, Jade Tachie Menson & Maricruz Tabbia - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies,

This article from the Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies journal presents lessons learned from a RISE Learning Network learning project focused on monitoring (M&E Learning Project) and aimed to generate understanding of approaches and tools that could effectively monitor children and families’ reintegration outcomes. The mid- and end-term reviews of the M&E Learning Project have captured lessons learned on how practitioners can approach monitoring of reintegration to mainstream it into their programme cycle.


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to support reforming the system for prevention of juvenile offending and reintegration of children of specialized educational correctional institutions into families and communities.

Enerelt Murakami - Asian Development Bank Institute,

This paper explores the impact of international migration on school enrollment of children staying behind in Tajikistan, by using data from a large nationally representative household survey. The results show that migration of household members reduces the probability of enrolling in school by 10 percentage points for children who belong to households with migrants. The effect of parental migration is much larger than that of migration of other household members. Receiving remittances reduces the adverse impact of migration by only 1‒3 percentage points.


This consultancy is aimed at providing technical assistance to the Government and to UNICEF Kyrgyzstan in identifying country level risks and opportunities facing children who are or may be returned from former ISIL controlled territory.

UNICEF Tajikistan,

The purpose of this assignment is to operationalise the content of the Family and Child Support Centre Regulation, which now focuses on community-based support services for vulnerable families and children with the aim to prevent unnecessary institutionalisation of children and promote the right of each child to grow in a safe and supportive family environment.

UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia,

The UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia seeks to establish a roster of child protection experts for assignments throughout the region.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Tajikistan.

UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia,

The UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a relevant region-specific training package intended for all Country Office child protection staff.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Uzbekistan.