
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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Chang-Ran Kim - Reuters,

"Unlike most developed countries, which place the majority of children who are abused, neglected, or can’t live with their parents for other reasons in foster homes, Japan puts more than 80% of the 38,000 such children in residential-care facilities, according to government figures," says this article from Reuters.


The objective of this assignment is to support capacity building of care givers providing training package and conducting training program on “Development, implementation and monitoring of Individual Development Plans (IDP) for children”.

Sandra Dewi Arifiani, Sri Andini Handayani, Monique Baumont, Cyril Bennouna, Santi Kusumaningrum - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This scoping review was undertaken to map survey methodologies for violence against children (VAC) measurement in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries and to identify key considerations for developing both methodologically sound and culturally appropriate VAC surveys in Indonesia and similar contexts.

Vignesh Vijayakumar - The Hindu,

An inquiry by police in the Indian state of Namakkal into an audio recording of a conversation on procuring babies for illegal adoption, "which sounded like one between a prospective buyer and a broker, uncovered a network involved in the sale of 30 newborns – 24 of them female -- from various parts of the State," says this article from the Hindu.

The Himalayan Times,

The "Central Child Welfare Board, in coordination with the [Nepali] National Centre for Children at Risk, local level representatives and police, rescued a total of 122 children from Sukedhara-based Aishworya Children’s Home being operated without meeting minimum standards prescribed by the existing law," according to this article from the Himalayan Times.

Amy Huey-Ling Shee - Taiwan and International Human Rights,

This chapter aims to review how the CRC has been integrated into Taiwan’s laws and social practices since its promulgation in 1989.

Raisatul Umami, Sherly S Turnip - Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine,

The aim of this study was to assess and compare emotional and behavioral problems between left-behind children (LBC) and non-LBC in Indonesia.

Emily Claypool & Leyla Ismayilova - Social Science & Medicine,

Using a phenomenological approach, this qualitative study explores the contexts of institutional placement of children in Azerbaijan from their caregivers' perspectives.

Rebecca Henschke - BBC News,

"In eastern Indonesia there are areas where almost all young mothers have gone to work abroad. Indonesians refer to these communities as the 'motherless villages,'" according to this article from the BBC.

Zhongliang Huang & Wenguo Weng - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,

This paper used the latest judgment documents from the court as a new data source, and identified the key nodes and trafficking paths by using a series of network indicators to enhance the public’s understanding of the crime mechanism of child trafficking.