Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

BBC Two,

This video from the BBC exposes some of the mental health struggles that many children in care experience in the UK, sharing the story of one particular young man, Callum, who was placed in care and engaged in self-harming behavior. 

Melinda A. Meyer DeMott, Marianne Jakobsen, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Trond Heir - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,

This is the first controlled study of an expressive arts group intervention with unaccompanied minor asylum seeking children. The aim of the study was to examine whether such an intervention may alleviate symptoms of trauma and enhance life satisfaction and hope.

Andy Bilson - The Telegraph,

This article, written by Professor Andy Bilson and published in the UK's Telegraph, highlights a new campaign launched by Hope and Homes for Children called 'End the Silence.' The campaign is designed to raise awareness on the effects of institutionalization on children, and to raise funding for the organization's deinstitionalization efforts ("closing orphanages and finding loving, family based care for children.")

Chris Beckett, Jonathan Dickens, Gillian Schofield, Georgia Philip and Julie Young - Children and Youth Services Review ,

The paper draws on a mixed methods study the role and effectiveness of Independent Reviewing Officers in England. 

Dinithi Wijedasa, Hadley Centre for Adoption and Foster Care Studies, University of Bristol,

This policy brief provides the most current estimates of the number and characteristics of the children growing up with relatives in the UK, which were established through analyses of secure microdata from the 2011 Census, highlighting analysis and policy implications of those findings.

MEASURE Evaluation,

This report outlines the MEASURE Evaluation workshop sessions and provides highlights, key discussion points, and action items.

Hannah Bradby, Kristin Liabo, Anne Ingold, Helen Roberts - Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine,

Young unaccompanied asylum seekers have been portrayed as vulnerable, resilient or both. Those granted residency in Europe are offered support by health and social care systems, but once they leave the care system to make independent lives, what part can these services play?

Rees- The Care Leavers Foundation,

This year’s lecture will see academics and research participants discuss how they have worked together using theatre practices to explore care experience.

Dr Sylvan Baker, Dr Maggie Inchley and Dr Sadhvi Dar - Queen Mary University of London’s Drama Department,

The Verbatim Formula is an applied performance research project which is currently working with looked after children and young people. 

Dan Barry - New York Times,

This article, with accompanying short video documentary, from the New York Times tells an in-depth and harrowing story of an amateur historian, Catherine Corless, seeking to learn about the history of a "mother and baby home" run by Bon Secours nuns in the town of Tuam, Ireland, and the story of mistreatment, poor conditions, trafficking, and unmarked graves she uncovered.