Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Hilma Forsman, Lars Brännström, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Aiming to support the design of effective intervention strategies, this study examines the hypothesized causal effect of foster children's poor school performance on subsequent psychosocial problems, here conceptualized as economic hardship, illicit drug use, and mental health problems, in young adulthood. 


This report from UNICEF highlights the many dangers, risks, and challenges faced by unaccompanied refugee and migrant children travelling to Europe on their own to escape conflict, poverty, or other forms of oppression.

Tarja Pösö, Elina Pekkarinen, Susanna Helavirta, Riitta Laakso - Journal of Social Work,

This article examines how the voluntary care order differs in practice from the involuntary one and how voluntarism and involuntarism are represented in these two types of care order.

Montserrat Fargas-Malet, Dominic McSherry, John Pinkerton, and Greg Kelly -- Child & Family Social Work,

Compared to children in other placements, there is much less known about the characteristics and needs of children in the UK who are returned to their birth parents with a care order still in place.

Robbie Gilligan andLaura Arnau-Sabatés, Child and Family Social Work,

The aim of this component of a preliminary cross-national study (Ireland and Catalonia) of care leavers' experience in the world of work is to explore how carers may influence the entry of young people in care into the world of work and how they may also influence the young people's progress in that world. 

Robbie Gilligan and Laura Arnau-Sabatés - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this component of a preliminary cross-national study (Ireland and Catalonia) of care leavers' experience in the world of work is to explore how carers may influence the entry of young people in care into the world of work and how they may also influence the young people's progress in that world.

Gillian Schofield, Birgit Larsson and Emma Ward -- Child & Family Social Work,

The role of residential care for children has developed very differently internationally, but in all cultural contexts, there are questions about the extent to which it can help young people recover from high risk backgrounds. In the UK, residential care has come to be seen as the placement of last resort, yet new government guidance on permanence has suggested that residential care can provide security and a sense of belonging. 

Better Volunteering Better Care - Better Care Network & Save the Children UK,

This consultancy project consists of a 3 month period to further research and develop plans for a youth-led media campaign in the UK, USA, and Australia.


This guide by the UK's regulatory body, Ofsted, explains in detail what one must do in order to open a residential family centre. 

Daniel Mulloy,

The filmmaker Daniel Mulloy has directed a new 20-minute film, entitled ‘Home,’ which is inspired by the current refugee crisis.