Northern Europe

Displaying 1291 - 1300 of 1561

List of Organisations

Jonathan Stanley - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care ,

This article provides a summary of the current context for residential child care in England. It records continually increasing outcomes as evidenced in a new set of Quality Standards by a new inspection framework.

Gayle Rice - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care ,

Due to the high instances of young people in care becoming homeless after leaving care, this study explored how an intervention could be co-designed to support young people and leaving care workers (LCWs) to share and elicit views about where a young person could live when they leave care.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

Opening Doors for Children report in this Country Fact Sheet that despite the country’s efforts, Lithuania’s institutional rates remain very high.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This Country Fact Sheet from Latvia reports that there are currently 1,429 children in Latvia living in institutional care facilities.

Dejan Janićijević - Factas Universitatis: Law and Politics,

This paper examines the two basic models of the state authorities’ intervention into family life aimed at protecting children.

M. Lotko, L. Leikuma and M. Gopalswamy Battle -- 5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Society, Health, Welfare,

This study notes that there are currently 700 million people below the poverty line. According to this study, around 40 percent are considered vulnerable children.  It further states that according to UNICEF India has approximately 11 million children living on the streets.  It is one of the highest concentration of the street children in the world.  To investigate the status of street children, this study investigated outreach work in Latvia, Czech Republic and India.

Editor: Olga Cvejić Jančić,

Meant to highlight the maxim that every child deserves the best that we all have to give; this book provides a review of the progress made since The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It contains reports from 21 countries on the status of the rights of the child.  The countries are:  Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. There are no reports from Africa.

Save the Children,

This booklet is based on a recent internal desk review of Save the Children’s and partners’ work against physical and humiliating punishment of children, commissioned by Save the Children Sweden. It aims to present best practices, to show what methods have worked around the world, and to spread knowledge about results achieved and lessons learned when it comes to law reform and positive discipline.  

Prison Reform Trust,

This review was established to examine the reasons for, and how best to tackle, the over representation of children in care, or with experience of care, in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

Jerome Finnegan - Save the Children,

This report from Save the Children outlines the rapid development that takes place in the brain in the early years of life and the crucial role that caregivers play in supporting this development.