Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Martin Kettle - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper reviews the case of Daniel Pelka, a child in Scotland who was murdered at the hands of his mother and her partner.  

Judith Burns - BBC News ,

The UK has recently introduced new rules requiring councils to provide support to children who stay in foster families beyond the age of 18.

Petras Vaida - The Baltic Course,

The capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius, is making concerted efforts to close down all orphanages by the year 2020, according to the article.

Kate Morris, Sue White, Paula Doherty, and Lisa Warwick - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper draws on a British Academy (BA) funded study exploring social workers’ conceptions of family using a vignette and focus groups. 

Kristen E. Cheney - Open Democracy,

This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.

Kenny McGhee - CELCIS Inform,

This Inform briefing provides an overview of information, policy and legislation and outlines the importance of good housing and accommodation options that improve outcomes for care leavers.

Regína Jensdóttir, Council of Europe - Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies,

This article describes the current strategies of the  “Building a Europe for and with Children” programme, a programme of the Council of Europe. The strategy focuses on four areas of action: promoting child-friendly services and systems; eliminating all forms of violence against children; guaranteeing the rights of children in vulnerable situations, and promoting child participation. A further standard is available on children’s rights and social services friendly to children and families for ensuring that children lacking or placed outside parental care are given adequate treatment.

Hege Kornør, Hanna Bergman, Nicola Maayan, Karla Soares-Weiser, and Arild Bjørndal - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice,

To facilitate well-informed decisions, the researchers collected and disseminated evidence from systematic reviews (SR) to local child welfare stakeholders in Norway through plain language summaries. This article describes that process.

Ellen Otzen - BBC World Service,

This article describes the experiences of Inuit children from Greenland who were removed from their families and taken to Denmark in the 1950s in an effort by the Danish government to re-educate them as “Little Danes” and to “modernize” Greenland.

Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality,

In this speech delivered at the 9th European Forum on the Rights of the Child in Brussels, Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality highlights the current dangers faced by many of Europe’s children today, including poverty and institutionalization.