Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Robbie Gilligan,

Professor Robbie Gilligan discusses a “policy blind spot” in Ireland resulting from a lack of data collection on the education of children in the care system, including the percentage of those children who go on to university. Ireland recently launched a new National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2019 to improve access to education for disadvantaged groups, but the new plan is silent on the educational needs for children in care. 

Save the Children and the International Organization for Migration ,

This pamphlet and the accompanying video, a joint publication by Save the Children and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), share the experiences of "children on the move" in various countries, including Turkey, Italy, and Sweden. 

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE),

This guideline covers the identification, assessment and treatment of attachment difficulties in children and young people up to age 18 who are adopted from care, in special guardianship, looked after by local authorities in foster homes (including kinship foster care), residential settings and other accommodation, or on the edge of care. 

BBC News,

In this video from the BBC, Clive Myrie reports from Ethiopia, the first stop for many Eritrean migrants en route to Europe. The video features a few of these child migrants who are waiting in Ethiopia to make their way to Europe in hopes of a better life.

Jude Kirton-Darling - The Huffington Post Blog,

This article provides a brief overview of adoption policies in the UK since the 2000s, including the “introduction of the English Adoption and Children Act, passed in 2002, that placed the rights of the child front and centre of the English legal approach to child protection and brought English adoption practices in line with international legislation.” 

BBC News,

This article from the BBC tells the story of Pamela Smedley, a woman who was sent to an orphanage in Australia from a children’s home in the UK in 1949, at the age of 13, on what she was told was a “day-trip.”

War Child UK,

War Child UK in collaboration with Educo, Plan International, Save the Children UK and World Vision International are hosting a launch event for their recently published report, ‘Interagency Study on Child-Friendly Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms within NGO programmes.’

Ingrid Sindi - Child Care in Practice ,

This article is an attempt to analyse and describe the process of change in child substitute care that has taken place since the re-independence of Estonia in 1991.

Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK,

This interdisciplinary symposium aims to explore family relations, care and ‘troubles’ in diverse contexts


Institutions are invited to submit a proposal by 10:00 AM EST, 04 September 2015.