Northern Europe

Displaying 1521 - 1530 of 1561

List of Organisations

Scottish Executive,

A set of standards guiding services for children who have been adopted, birth families, and adoptive parents.

Scottish Executive,

Serves as an example of fostering service standards from the perspective of children, birth families, and foster caregivers

Robert Tapsfield and Felicity Collier,

This report assesses the expenditure which is required to transform foster care services across the UK, in order to give children in public care the same opportunities to have a successful future as other children. Contains relevant statistics and social welfare system reform recommendations.

Rebecca T. Davis,

Provides a framework for analysis of community-based social welfare services and linkages with government structures. Includes analysis of alternative care provision, de-institutionalization, programming for children with disabilities, standards of care, and overall social welfare sector reform.

Jonathan Bradshaw, Peter Kemp, Sally Baldwin and Abigail Rowe - Office of the Prime Minister,

This document is a literature review for the purpose of determining the drivers of social exclusion.  Its objectives were to: 1) determine the current drivers; 2) determine emerging drivers that might have a future impact on social inclusion; 3) Assess the relative strength of drivers.

Bragi Gudbrandsson, Working Group on Children at Risk in Care, Council of Europe,

A comparative analysis of protection and care systems across Europe, focusing on the use of institutions, alternative forms of care placements, family support services, and the role of social workers in the process of child placement.

Elaine Chase and June Statham,

Review of information relevant to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and young people in the UK. Focus on abuse through prostitution; abuse through pornography; and child trafficking.

Lisa Bostock, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE),

A guide to building a child-focused foster system that works with the strengths of children and young people to enhance their resilience and ability to cope with adversity. It outlines practical ways to support caring relationships and create positive educational experiences that bolster self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Department of Health and Children, Government of Ireland,

Guidelines for identifying and reporting child abuse, and improving professional practice in both statutory and voluntary agencies providing services to children and families.

Bragi Gudbrandsson,

This report contains an overview of alternative care in Europe, the effects of institutions on children, statistical information and the different approaches of child protection systems within Europe. It includes reforming institutional care, foster care, post-care support, and the role of the social worker.