Northern Europe

Displaying 1541 - 1550 of 1573

List of Organisations

Department of Health and Children, Government of Ireland,

Guidelines for identifying and reporting child abuse, and improving professional practice in both statutory and voluntary agencies providing services to children and families.

Bragi Gudbrandsson,

This report contains an overview of alternative care in Europe, the effects of institutions on children, statistical information and the different approaches of child protection systems within Europe. It includes reforming institutional care, foster care, post-care support, and the role of the social worker.

Save the Children and UNHCR,

A document consisting of the policies and practices that will guarantee the promotion and protection of the rights of separated children in Europe. The Statement works as a framework for action and advocacy and makes references to relevant international and regional laws as well as policy and guidelines regarding progression of human rights protection and issues particularly affecting separated children.

Department of Health and Children ,

These Standards are based on the relevant legislation, regulation and guidance and best practice derived from evidence based research and professional experience from Ireland and abroad.

Professor Kevin Browne and Dr Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis,

This 15-month project aimed to map the number and characteristics of children under three placed in European institutions for more than three months without a parent as this information was previously unknown.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Provides an overview of social service provision in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and provides information on ways to move resources away from institutional care, and into community-based social services. Contains specific examples from Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Romania and other transitioning countries.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Contains practical tools and policy guidance for family and child welfare policy makers and practitioners. Relevant topics include gatekeeping, redirecting resources into preventive and family based services, and standards of care.

María Ángeles García Llorente, Laura Martínez-Mora Charlebois, Valerio Ducci, Ana María Farías,

This publication provides an account of historical processes in Spain and Italy which have led to a transformation of social child protection policies and an abandonment of the most widely-used mechanism of social exclusion, namely institutionalization.

Directorate of Immigration Finland ,

Comprehensive guidance on interviewing children as part of an asylum interview. Contains theory and practice guidance on how to set up an interview and ask questions in a child-friendly manner. Explains how to enable children to recall memories and how to interview children in distress.

Department of Health, UK,

A set of standards for ensuring the welfare protection of children in residential special schools. It includes standards and outcomes relating to children’s rights, protection, and care, as well as staffing, organization and management.