Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

ITV News,

A joint report by charities Barnardo’s, the Children’s Society, Action for Children, the NSPCC and the National Children’s Bureau,  warns that the COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate existing problems in underfunded local authorities and calls on the UK Government to invest money in children’s services to stop families reaching crisis point after coronavirus, says this article from ITV News.

Marie Louise McConville - The Irish News,

The Derry-based charity, Kinship Care, "said many of its kinship carers - where a grandparent, other relative or close friend is given guardianship of a child under sometimes quite traumatic circumstances - had been left without food and other essential aid as a result of the pandemic," according to this article from the Irish News.

UK Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK Department for Education outlines actions to be taken by educational providers - working together with other partners, where relevant, such as local authorities - to meet the needs of vulnerable children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Family for Every Child,

In this online event, Family for Every Child members FSCE (Ethiopia), The Mulberry Bush (UK), Praajak (India) and CSID (Bangladesh) discussed children's care in the context of COVID-19.

Rachel Wearmouth - Huffington Post UK,

"The [UK] government could face legal action after ministers used the coronavirus crisis to remove protections for children in care," says this article from the Huffington Post.

Claire Fitzpatrick - Child and Family Law Quarterly,

This article explores the important increase in awareness surrounding the care-crime connection (the over-representation of care-experienced individuals in criminal justice settings) in recent years.

Aine Kenny - Irish Examiner,

"Concerns have been raised about how children in the Irish care system are coping during the coronavirus pandemic," says this article from the Irish Examiner.

Dan Hope - Strengthening Families For Abandoned Children (SFAC),

This blog post from Strengthening Families For Abandoned Children (SFAC) features a decision map and accompanying guide to making decisions about where and how to place a child during a large-scale emergency, like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emily P. Taylor, Simona Di Folco, Melanie Dupin, Heather Mithen, Luis Wen, Lilian Rose, Kirsty Nisbet - Child & Family Social Work,

Using routine data from a kinship care helpline service, this study employed a mixed‐method analysis of the association between socioeconomic deprivation and risk factors reported by kinship carers in the UK and explored social capital in kinship families.

Sally Weale - The Guardian,

The UK government has introduced several changes to legal protections for children in care as an emergency response to the coronavirus crisis, which, according to this article from the Guardian, children’s rights campaigners and activists are condemning.