Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Kady Murphy & Natalie Williams - Just for Kids Law,

This paper from Just for Kids Law (JfKL) explores an issue that the organization has come across through their work: cases of under 18s (mainly 16- and 17-year olds) in the UK who are facing homelessness and do not receive the support they are entitled to from local authority children’s services. 

Dr Stuart Read, Dr Mel Macer and Dr Anne Parfitt - School of Education, Bath Spa University,

This research project aimed to study and inform the effective use of Pupil Premium Plus (PP+)-funded interventions to support educational outcomes for looked after children in the UK.

Will Mason, Kate Morris, Brid Featherstone, Lisa Bunting, Gavin Davidson, Claire Mccartan, Paul Bywaters, Calum Webb - British Journal of Social Work,

Drawing on the narratives offered by child and family social workers, this paper considers a series of possible explanations for Northern Ireland (NI)'s significantly lower out of home care rates.

Katre Luhamaa and Jenny Krutzinna - Strasbourg Observers,

This analysis focuses on the case of Pedersen et al. v. Norway, where the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR, Court) addressed the issues of adoption and post-adoption contact.

Carla Solvason, Rebecca Webb, Samantha Sutton‐Tsang - Children & Society,

This TACTYC funded research highlights the role that Maintained Nursery Schools (MNS) play in supporting families within areas of extreme social deprivation in the UK.

Christine Berry - The Guardian,

In this opinion piece for the Guardian, Christine Berry explores the ways in which child care work is undervalued and underfunded, despite the economy's dependence on childcare both paid and unpaid, and notes that, while the coronavirus lockdowns expose these issues, little attention is being paid.

Caleb Spencer - BBC News,

UK charity Voices from Care Cymru (VFCC) has warned that children in care are particularly vulnerable during the coronavirus lockdowns due to lack of access to basic technology which prohibits them from staying in touch with important support networks, according to this article from BBC News

Amber Horning, Sara V Jordenö, Nicole Savoie - Journal of Refugee Studies,

For this study, the researchers interviewed unaccompanied minor refugees (UMRs) in two youth asylum-centres in rural Sweden.

Emily T. Murray, Rebecca Lacey, Barbara Maughan & Amanda Sacke - BMC Public Health,

This study examined whether childhood out-of-home care was associated with all-cause mortality until the end of 2013 in the UK.

David Murphy, Mary Oliver, Sanam Pourhabib, Michael Adkins, Jeremy Hodgen - British Educational Research Journal,

In this study, the authors interviewed social care practitioners including directors, senior and middle managers, frontline social workers, social worker‐academics and family support workers who work with vulnerable children to identify the issues and concerns held by social care workers about placing vulnerable children in boarding schools.