Northern Europe

Displaying 841 - 850 of 1561

List of Organisations

Sadie King, Giorgia Iacopini, Anna Sophie Hahne, Heather Stradling - Journal of Public Mental Health,

The purpose of this paper is to explore the wider context in which the UK national evaluation of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) was delivered and raise concerns about the sustainability of the early outcomes.

Vera Radeva - Institut d'études politiques de Paris,

This doctoral research explores how the European Union membership has changed the post-communist heritage of institutional care in Bulgaria, focusing on the transformation of orphanages through the deinstitutionalization reform

Shirley Lewis and Geraldine Brady - Social Sciences,

This paper aims to highlight inequality in current adoption processes and procedures in England and Wales.

Piia Karjalainen, Olli Kiviruusu, Eeva T. Aronen, Päivi Santalahti - Children and Youth Services Review,

This randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated the effectiveness of the Incredible Years® (IY) Parenting Program in modifying children's behavioral problems, parenting practices and parents' psychological well-being among families under child protection and using other special support services.

Dawn Mannay, Phil Smith, Stephen Jennings, Catt Turney and Peter Davies - Wales Millennium Centre ,

This research aimed to assess the current knowledge base regarding careexperienced children’s and young people’s engagement with the arts, and to explore the views of facilitators, young people, and their carers involved in the arts-based programme at the Wales Millennium Centre.

Ailsa Morison - Edinburgh Research Archive,

This thesis aimed to systematically review literature on the types, measurement and effectiveness of residential staff training, focussed upon psychosocial outcomes.

Andy Bilson & Elizabeth Hunter Munro - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study provides an analysis of the ‘investigative turn’ in England by comparing two large cohorts of children, one whose fifth birthday was in 2011–12 and the other in 2016–17.

BBC Radio 5 Live,

In this video from the BBC, Lemn Sissay (writer and careleaver) tells BBC Radio 5 Live about the impact that growing up in care has had on his adult life.

Hugh Montgomery - iNews,

Lemn Sissay, a poet and playwright who grew up in care in the UK, hosts a documentary in which he "takes seven children who are in the charge of Coventry Council under his wing, firing them up to write about their experiences."

Lemn Sissay - Channel 4,

In this documentary episode from Channel 4 in the UK, Lemn Sissay meets seven young people who are in the care of their council and sets out to help them express their experiences through words and perform them to a packed theatre of decision-makers.