Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Craig Evans - Text & Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse & Communication Studies,

This paper investigates how ‘care leaver’ is discursively constructed as a group identity, by analyzing 18 written personal experience stories from several charity websites by people identified or who self-identify as care leavers.

UK Department for Education,

This statistics publication from the UK Department for Education provides information about looked after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2018.

Council of the Baltic Sea States,

To raise attention to the fact that it is possible to change policies, attitudes and behaviours, the Council of the Baltic Sea States organised a high-level conference on implementing the prohibition of corporal punishment.

India Pollock - BBC News,

This article from BBC News highlights some of the findings from a survey commissioned by the Welsh Government as part of the Bright Spots Programme to help local authorities understand what matters most to the children they look after.

Anders Hjern, Jesus Palacios, Bo Vinnerljung - BMJ Paediatrics Open,

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the risk of depression in adulthood in children raised by substitute parents from an early age differ by care arrangements.

Karin Goodwin - The National,

Who Cares? Scotland and other advocates are calling for standardised guidance to support care leavers, allowing better access to care records, according to this article from the National.

Turid Heiberg and Maria Corbett - Council of Baltic Sea States,

This report introduces key principles that guide initiatives to promote positive parenting.

Staffan Janson - Council of the Baltic Sea States,

This report discusses some definitions of importance for maltreatment research, and explores difficulties and possibilities in child maltreatment epidemiology (tracking).

Alison Holt - BBC News,

The UK has seen a "considerable increase" in the demand for child protection services, according to this article and video from BBC News.

McIver, Leanne and Welch, Vicki - CELCIS,

This report is the evaluation of the pilot partnership agreement between Police Scotland and local authorities, for responses to children and young people missing from foster and residential care.