Western Europe

Displaying 371 - 380 of 411

List of Organisations

Jonathan Bradshaw - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper uses comparisons of child benefit packages in the European Union and Central and Eastern European and Confederation of Independent States (CEE/CIS) countries derived using model family methods.

Jeanne Fagnani - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper highlights a number of recurrent issues that help to illuminate and explain the differences that persist between France and Germany in spite of recent reform efforts in child & family policies and evaluates the success of these policies and whether they have achieved their desired effects on mothers' employment patterns, especially those of qualified female workers.

Peter Moss - Children and Youth Services Review,

Parental leave and early childhood education and care have gained a high profile in child and family policy fields, and both have been the subject of substantial cross-national mapping, describing and comparing their main features across a range of countries. This article provides overviews on parental leave and early childhood services in affluent countries, and reflections on this mapping.

Neil Gilbert - Children and Youth Services Review,

A comparative analysis of child welfare systems in 10 countries identifies three broad functional orientations – child protection, family service and child development.

ONED et INSET Angers,

Rendez-vous annuel des cadres des conseils généraux sur les questions de prévention et de protection de l’enfance, ce séminaire est le 4e co-organisé entre l’ONED et l’INSET d’Angers. L’objectif est d’offrir aux cadres des départements un espace pour approfondir une thématique importante pour leur mission de protection de l’enfance, en articulation avec la question du management des équipes.

UNICEF and Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ,

Event to launch two new reports on importance of deinstitutionalization for all persons

Republique francaise, le Defenseur des Droits,

Selon la Loi organique du 29 mars 2011 instituant le Défenseur des droits, celui-ci est notamment chargé « de défendre et de promouvoir l'intérêt supérieur et les droits de l'enfant consacrés par la loi ou par un engagement international régulièrement ratifié ou approuvé par la France ». A l'occasion de la journée internationale des droits de l'enfant, le 20 novembre, le Défenseur présente son premier rapport consacré cette année, aux enfants accueillis en institution, plus particulièrement les moyens de défendre et de promouvoir leurs droits.

World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe,

The purpose of this paper is to provide background information and offer pragmatic steps in relation to priority no. 3 of the European Declaration on the Health of Children and Young People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families: “To transfer care from institutions to the community”. The paper was produced in preparation for the conference in Bucharest, Romania 26-27 November, 2010.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ,

The purpose of this paper is to give meaning and insight into some of the key drug and alcohol issues that affect children from the perspectives of the children themselves. Research shows that large numbers of children who are separated from their parents are particularly vulnerable to developing drug and alcohol problems. Special attention is paid throughout the report on children looked after by relatives, foster carers, and institutions.

ONED - Scelles R., Zaouche Gaudron C, Delcroix S.,

SOS Villages d'Enfants a décidé de proposer une étude visant à aider les professionnels à travailler mieux avec la fratrie en les dotant d’outils d’analyse et d’évaluation. En effet, dans un contexte où une meilleure évaluation des situations des enfants est recherchée par tous, aucune recommandation précise n’existe pourtant pour permettre d’intégrer les relations fraternelles dans l’évaluation des besoins des enfants.