Western Europe

Displaying 41 - 50 of 402

List of Organisations

BBC News,

According to this article from BBC News, "The Netherlands is suspending all adoptions from abroad with immediate effect, after an official inquiry found many abuses."

Committee on the Investigation of Intercountry Adoption, Government of the Netherlands,

This report presents the results of an independent investigation into abuses in intercountry adoption in the Netherlands during the period 1967-1998, and the role of the Dutch government in this regard.

Thomas Gabriel, Samuel Keller and Clara Bombach - Frontiers in Psychology,

This article hermeneutically reconstructs biographies decades after leaving-care to understand the impact of residential care experiences on selected dimensions of care-leavers’ well-being, that were discovered in the data material.

Camille Danner Touati, Raphaële Miljkovitch, Aino Sirparanta, Anne-Sohpie Deborde - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this study was to examine whether 1) attachment to the biological parents mediates the association between abuse and suicidal risk (SR) and 2) attachment to a foster parent (whether from a foster home or an institution) moderates the effect of attachment to biological parents on SR.

Lena Jäggi, Marc Schmid, David Bürgin, Nadine Saladin, Alexander Grob & Cyril Boonmann - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health logo Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health,

The aim of the current paper is to examine the demographic, crime-related and psychosocial characteristics of child welfare and juvenile justice youths in shared residential care and subsequently examine its relationship with offending behavior in adulthood.

Cristina Colonnesi, Carolien Konijn, Leoniek Kroneman, Ramón J. L. Lindauer & Geert Jan J. M. Stams - Current Psychology,

The authors of this study examined caregivers’ mind-mindedness (their ability to adequately interpret their foster child’s internal mental states and behavior) in out-of-home care in the Netherlands, and the association among caregivers’ mind-mindedness (and its positive, neutral, and negative valence), recognition of the child’s trauma symptoms, and behavior problems.

Office fédéral de la justice - Confédération Suisse,

Cet aide-mémoire énonce le rôle des autorités compétentes (administratives ou judiciaires) et les fonctions qui leur sont dévolues selon les bases légales applicables en matière de placement international d’enfants à des fins de protection.

Mi-lan J. Woudstra, Rosanneke A. G. Emmen, Lenneke R. A. Alink, Lamei Wang, Marjolein C. E. Branger, Judi Mesman - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The authors of this study examined attitudes about child maltreatment in China and the Netherlands.

Laura Navne and Marie Jakobsen - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies ,

This study investigates the extent and causes of child abandonment and various practices and services in relation to prevention of child abandonment in Denmark and other high-income countries.

Camille Verheyden, Frank Van Holen, Delphine West, and Johan Vanderfaeillie - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study examines secondary traumatic stress (STS), burnout and compassion satisfaction (CS) in Flemish foster care workers (FCW) during the COVID-19 lockdown.