
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 3284

List of Organisations

Josephine Holland, Kapil Sayal, Alexandra Berry, Chelsea Sawyer, Pallab Majumder, Panos Vostanis, Marie Armstrong, Caroline Harroe, David Clarke, Ellen Townsend - Child and Adolescent Mental Health,

For this study, one hundred and twenty‐six 11–21 year olds (53 who had experience of the care system and 73 who did not) were recruited from the community and NHS. All participants had self‐harmed in the past 6 months. Participants completed an Audio Computer‐Assisted Self‐interview (ACASI) regarding their views about the support they had received, how helpful it was, and what further help they felt they needed.

Isabel‐Sofia Costa, Maria Barbosa‐Ducharne, Jesús Palacios, Joana Soares - Child & Family Social Work,

The present study aims to identify the adoptee, parents and family related predictors of the adoptive parents' parenting stress, exploring direct and indirect effects. Fifty Portuguese adolescents' adoptive parents participated in this study.

Matthew Fuller & Ben Hayes - Child: care, health and development,

In the present study, six unaccompanied asylum‐seeking minors (UASMs) were interviewed and interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used as a methodology to analyse the data.

Megan Smith, Lucía González‐Pasarín, María D. Salas, Isabel M. Bernedo - Child & Family Social Work,

This review aims to provide social workers with a resource to guide their decision‐making by evaluating both the benefits and risks associated with open adoption.

Ailsa Morison, Emily Taylor & Mhairi Gervais - Child & Youth Services ,

This research aimed to construct an explanatory theory of how residential staff make sense of, and use, attachment theory in practice.

Plataforma de Infancia: España,

Esta página de Plataforma de Infancia presenta una selección de los artículos o recursos educativos que han identificado hasta ahora y que pueden facilitar la tarea de hablar con niñas y niños sobre el coronavirus y resolver sus dudas.

A. E. Zijlstra, M. C. Menninga, E. C. C. van Os, M. E. Kalverboer - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This qualitative study explores the experiences of unaccompanied children with regard to violence in reception facilities in the Netherlands from the perspective of the children.

The Guardian,

In this piece for the Guardian, an anonymous foster carer writes about their experience caring for an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child (UASC) in the UK.

A. E. Zijlstra, M. C. Menninga, E. C. C. van Os, M. E. Kalverboer - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This qualitative study explores the experiences of unaccompanied children with regard to violence in reception facilities in the Netherlands from the perspective of the children.

Save the Children Italy,

Save the Children Italy has launched an extraordinary intervention program for children and adolescents involved in their projects. The program aims to be a valid support for vulnerable minors and their families.