
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Dr. Claire Healy - International Centre for Migration Policy Development,

This study analyses the incidence of human trafficking among people travelling along the ‘Eastern Mediterranean route,’ the ‘Balkan route’ and the ‘Central Mediterranean route’; factors of resilience to human trafficking and other abuses; and factors of vulnerability to human trafficking and other abuses. The study reveals the particular vulnerability of unaccompanied minors to child exploitation and abduction and highlights key recommendations for addressing human trafficking along these routes.

Burcu Akan Ellis - Migration Letters,

This study highlights the plight of children in state orphanages during conditions of war and its aftermath, in order to explore how state narratives trap children between contested notions of the best interests of the child, national belonging, and familial rights.

Anne-Fleur W. K. Vischer, Erik J. Knorth, Hans,Grietens, Wendy J. Post - Children and Youth Services Review,

In order to gain insight into the role that decision-making plays in family preservation practice, the authors of this article studied decision-making within a family preservation (FP)-intervention program provided by the Expertise Center.

Lauritz Rudolf Floribert Müller, Karl Phillipp Büter, Rita Rosner, Johanna Unterhitzenberger - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health,

This article presents a cross-sectional survey in 19 facilities for minor refugees in Bavaria, Germany, screening for posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), depression, anxiety, externalizing behaviour, and post-migration factors.

BBC News,

"Belgian authorities have asked for DNA samples of children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo to establish if their biological parents are still alive," according to this article from BBC News.

Donald Forrester, David Westlake, Mike Killian, Vivi Antonopolou, Michelle McCann, Angela Thurnham, Roma Thomas, Charlotte Waits, Charlotte Whittaker, Douglas Hutchison - The British Journal of Social Work,

Communication skills are fundamental to social work, yet few studies have directly evaluated their impact. This study explores the relationship between skills and outcomes in 127 families. 

UK Department for Education,

This press release from the UK Department for Education announces the launch of new initiatives "to improve the education and training of young people leaving care, helping them make the transition into independent life."

The Conversation - BBC,

This episode of the Conversation podcast from the BBC features interviews and discussion with two women who grew up in institutions as young children, one in the UK and the other in Kenya. 

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

The Global Initiative is seeking a creative and dedicated Development Manager who can help them use their expertise to become a fully sustainable and influential organisation.

Chabier Gimeno-Monterde & José David Gutiérrez-Sánchez - ,

The increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors to Europe rises as a new challenge for the local authorities responsible for the reception. The comparison of two cross-border regions shows the possibility of transferring successful practices between European states.