
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Lisa C.G. Di Lemma, Alisha R. Davies, Kat Ford, Karen Hughes, Lucia Homolova, Benjamin Gray, and Gillian Richardson - Public Health Wales and Bangor University,

To support innovation in addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the authors have undertaken a review of evidence on common approaches to prevent ACEs and/or mitigate their negative impacts in Wales.

Elsbeth Neil - The Future of Adoption: Beyond Safety to Well-Being,

When children are adopted from the care system staying in touch with members of their birth families must be considered.This research paper draws on the English experience.

Sinclair, I., Luke, N., & Berridge, D. - Oxford Review of Education,

By age 16 the attainment of most children in or on the edge of out of home care has fallen well behind the average for their age. This paper uses the English National Pupil Database to examine how much of this falling behind occurs before the age 7, and how any subsequent decline relates to time in care as against time outside it.

Beata Wołosiuk, Marzena Ruszkowska, Sebastian Sobczuk, Piotr Zdunkiewicz - Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference,

The aim of the article was the analysis of the problem of speech development in care and educational institutions and family-run children’s houses in Poland.

Marzena Ruszkowska & Józefa Matejek - Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference,

In this study, the authors analyzed the literature on foster care in Poland and conducted a narrative questionnaire with an educator who simultaneously holds the responsibility for teaching youth in foster care autonomy in order to identify factors that affect educational and vocational plans that foster care charges have.

Nigel Fancourt - Education and Self Development,

Attachment theory has been adopted in several educational districts (‘local authorities’) in England, and this study reports on an evaluative mixed-methods research study of such training; it also theorises this as a broader question about how schools engage with research.

Maria Lotty - Foster, Issue 7,

This article describes some of the research outcomes and the ongoing work of the research collaboration between University College Cork (UCC) and Tusla – Child and Family Agency which sought to make a contribution to fostering stability through applying the approach of traumainformed care.

European Commission,

This report - prepared for the European Commission by Applica and the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), in close collaboration with Eurochild and Save the Children - provides a first mapping of the situation across the 28 Member States of the EU outlining the situation in relation to children, particularly the four target groups (TGs) of disadvantaged children (children in institutions, children with disabilities, children of recent migrants and refugees, and children living in precarious family situations) as well as an indication of the key issues in relation to children’s access to the five policy areas (PAs): housing, healthcare, nutrition, early childhood education and care, and education.

Nicola Carr & Paula Mayock - Irish Penal Reform Trust,

This report presents the findings arising from a small-scale exploratory study commissioned by Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) that aimed to explore the extent to which children with care experience are over-represented in the Irish youth justice system.

Boddy, Janet ; Lausten, Mette ; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth ; Gundersen, Tonje - VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd,

This working paper has reviewed cross-national datasets for the general population and available national data and other relevant (grey and academic) literature concerned with young people in care and care leavers in the three study countries.