
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1731 - 1740 of 3284

List of Organisations

Tuuli Lamponen, Tarja Pösö, Kenneth Burns - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents a qualitative analysis of front‐line practices regarding emergency removals in Finnish and Irish child protection.

Helen Baldwin, Nina Biehal, Linda Cusworth, Jim Wade, Victoria Allgar, Panos Vostanis - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This research investigated the association between care placement and the presence of child mental health problems after controlling for children’s pre-care experiences. It also identified factors associated with mental health problems among children in care in the UK.

Tabea Symanzik, Arnold Lohaus, Ann-Katrin Job, Sabrina Chodura, Kerstin Konrad, Nina Heinrichs, Vanessa Reindl - Mental Health & Prevention,

This paper focuses on the longitudinal examination of perceived reactive attachment disorder (RAD) symptoms and indiscriminate, insecure and pseudomature behavior in foster children, many of them having experienced maltreatment and neglect in the family of origin.

Ilona Renner, Victoria Saint, Anna Neumann, Daria Ukhova, Sabine Horstmann, Ullrich Boettinger, Martina Dreibus, Astrid Kerl-Wienecke, Pilar Wulff, Paul Mechthild, Heidrun Thaiss - BMJ,

This article from BMJ describes cross-sectoral collaborative efforts in Germany to enhance the skills of parents to care for young children.

Sadie King, Giorgia Iacopini, Anna Sophie Hahne, Heather Stradling - Journal of Public Mental Health,

The purpose of this paper is to explore the wider context in which the UK national evaluation of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) was delivered and raise concerns about the sustainability of the early outcomes.

Vera Radeva - Institut d'études politiques de Paris,

This doctoral research explores how the European Union membership has changed the post-communist heritage of institutional care in Bulgaria, focusing on the transformation of orphanages through the deinstitutionalization reform

Harm Damen, Jan W. Veerman, Ad A. Vermulst, Rozemarijn van Pagée, Rozemarijn Nieuwhoff, Ron H.J. Scholte - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this study was to examine changes in parental empowerment and child behavioural problems during a period of youth care and how changes are related to the kind of services provided.

Shirley Lewis and Geraldine Brady - Social Sciences,

This paper aims to highlight inequality in current adoption processes and procedures in England and Wales.

Piia Karjalainen, Olli Kiviruusu, Eeva T. Aronen, Päivi Santalahti - Children and Youth Services Review,

This randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated the effectiveness of the Incredible Years® (IY) Parenting Program in modifying children's behavioral problems, parenting practices and parents' psychological well-being among families under child protection and using other special support services.

Chrisa Giannopoulou & Nick Gill - Asylum Determination in Europe,

This chapter from Asylum Determination in Europe focuses on unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Greece and their experiences of residing both in shelters and refugee camps.