
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


ISPCAN is hosting its 15th annual European Regional Conference in the Netherlands 1-4 October, 2017.

Vanessa Thorpe - The Guardian,

The charity Barnardo's has released its archive of photos and testimonials from black children and teenagers taken into the organization's residential homes up to 120 years ago.

ColomboPage News,

Findings from a Dutch television program have inspired the Government of Netherlands to call for an investigation into the irregularities in adoptions from Sri Lanka. Investigative journalists claim that at least 11,000 babies from Sri Lanka adopted by foreign couples were either bought or stolen from their parents.

MEASURE Evaluation ,

International actors and representatives from Armenia, Ghana, Moldova, and Uganda convened in London September 11-15 2017 to learn and share experiences to inform the alternative care reform process in the four countries. 

Denise Grech - Malta Today,

During the launch of Malta's public consultation on standards of adoption, the Minister of Family Affairs announced that adoptive families will benefit from up to €10,000 and be partially refunded for travel expenses. 

Dawn Foster - The Guardian ,

Negative headlines about children in foster care and those who care for them are only further victimizing already vulnerable children. 

Lisa Trujillo - Medien Impulse,

Increased attention on the situations of unaccompanied refugee minors living in Europe has recently begun to include their voices and perspectives. This article focuses on the micro to macro contexts which give rise to their voices and explores the multiple features of voice.

Johanna Bick, Charles H. Zeanah, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson - Child Development,

This study examined visual recognition memory and executive functioning (spatial working memory, spatial planning, rule learning, and attention shifting) in 12-year-olds who participated in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a randomized controlled trial of foster care for institutionally reared children.

MEASURE Evaluation & USAID,

This infographic provides a historical timeline of the alternative care reform process in Moldova, marking key achievements in the establishment of policies, guidelines, procedures, and programs to improve the quality of care and protection for children without adequate family care. 

Mattias Bengtsson, Yvonne Sjöblom & Peter Öberg - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper investigates young care leavers' expectations of their future after discharge from care.