
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Helen M Roberts, Hannah Bradby, Anne Ingold, Grazia Manzotti, David Reeves, Kristin Liabo - International Journal of Social Science Studies,

This paper reports the findings from a study investigating the priorities of care-leavers who arrived in England or Sweden as unaccompanied minors. 

Helen Connolly, Richard Crellin and Rupinder Parhar - University of Bedfordshire & The Children's Society,

This updated report presents the findings and recommendations from a study investigating the situation and experience of unaccompanied children in the UK's legal system. 

The Children's Society- HuffPost UK,

UK government cuts to legal aid in 2012 have greatly impacted unaccompanied migrant children, who are now denied legal aid in non-asylum cases. 

Hilary A. Warner et al - Infant Mental Health Journal ,

This report presents the findings from  a secondary analysis of data from a comprehensive intervention in three baby homes in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The analysis examined whether caregiver-child interaction quality, number of caregiver transitions, and group size mediated the impact of intervention on children's attachment behaviors and physical growth. 

Sarah Marsh - The Guardian,

Tens of thousands of children referred to England's social services due to abuse or neglect are falling through the cracks because they do not meet the statutory criteria for help. 

Asimina Ralli, Schiza Melpomeni, and Tsiatsiou Alexandra - The Open Family Studies Journal ,

This study investigated the language and psychosocial skills of pre-school aged Greek institutionalized children in comparison to Greek children of the same age raised in a family environment. 

Veronika Paulsen & Nigel Thomas - Child & Family Social Work,

This article explores young people's experiences in the transition to adulthood from child welfare services and how Honneth's theory of recognition can be useful as an analytical tool to help us understand these experiences.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,

Цю Стратегію розроблено з метою зміни існуючої системи інституційного догляду та виховання дітей, яка не відповідає реальним потребам дітей та сімей з дітьми, і створення умов для повноцінного виховання та розвитку дитини в сім’ї.

Guro Brokke Omland & Agnes Andenas - Childhood,

Informed by a cultural psychological approach to development, the authors analysed interviews with 18 unaccompanied Afghan boys and their professional caregivers.

Rebecca Southworth - BBC Three ,

In this BBC Three documentary, Rebecca Southworth tells her own story about growing up in care and follows the lives of care-leavers and young people in care to explore why so many people with experience in care end up living chaotic lives.