
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Mariya Cheresheva (BIRN) - Balkan Insight,

Unaccompanied refugee children in Bulgaria face extreme risks in the country's refugee facilities, including temporary detention, a practice recently legalized contrary to international human rights standards. 

REACH within the framework of the Mixed Migration Platform (MMP), and in partnership with the Mixed Migration Hub (MHub),

In order to strengthen policymakers’ and humanitarian actors’ responses in countries of transit and destination, this study was designed to shed light on young people’s decision-making and preparedness levels, the mechanisms shaping their migration trajectories, and their expectations on the way to Europe.

Sadie King, Matt Gieve, Giorgia Iacopini, Anna Sophie Hahne, Heather Stradling – The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations,

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the UK's Adoption Support Fund undertaken by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Valentina Calcaterra & Maria Luisa Raineri - Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Milan,

This article presents the research of the project "Giving Young People a Voice: Advocacy in Children’s Homes," which evaluated the implementation of a visiting advocacy project and services provided by an independent advocate working in children's homes in Italy.  

Beatriz San Román & Karen S Rotabi - International Social Work ,

This study investigated how adoptive and prospective adoptive parents in Spain deal with signs of fraud and corruption within the intercountry adoption process, illuminating the dismissal of the systemic failures of intercountry adoption and the rights of birth families. 

Michael Preston-Shoot - Child Abuse Review,

Concern about the effectiveness of Serious Case Reviews for generating improvements in child protection in England led to proposals in the Wood review to replace the current system with rapid local learning inquiries and a national system of learning from significant incidents. This article challenges both the analysis in the Wood review and the proposals themselves. 

Czech News Agency (CTK) - Prague Daily Monitor,

Over the past five years, the number of children in the Czech Republic returned from institutional care to their biological parents has increased by one-third. 

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA),

This report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides data on migration throughout the EU from 1-30 June 2017. The report includes data on the child protection situation for migrant children, particularly the identification, emergency placement and accommodation of unaccompanied children. 

Human Rights Watch ,

Greek authorities on the island of Lesbos are inaccurately identifying and registering unaccompanied migrant children as adults upon their arrival, denying young people the care and protection they deserve. 

Niina Rita, Marko Elovainio, Hanna Raaska, Pekka Lahti-Nuuttila, Jaakko Matomäki, Jari Sinkkonen, Helena Lapinleimu - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,

This study explores whether child and family-related factors are associated with later psychological problems in international adoptees in Finland. Researchers then investigated whether the length of time a child spends at home after adoption and before daycare moderates the aforementioned associations.