
Displaying 2771 - 2780 of 4204

List of Organisations

World Health Organization,

This guideline aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for quality clinical care for children and adolescents who have, or may have, been subjected to sexual abuse, in order to mitigate the negative health consequences and improve their well-being. 

Isibindi Project - National Association of Child Care Workers,

This brief summarises key findings of a qualitative study of the family strengthening approach of the Isibindi model. 

Gillian Huebner - SOS Children's Villages ,

This briefing describes how the needs of children without parental care can be addressed through five of the SDGs: no poverty (1); quality education (4); decent work and economic growth (8); reduced inequalities (10); and peace, justice and strong institutions (16).

Child Welfare League of America,

The Nation's Children 2017 provides the most up-to-date data on the status of children in the United States, with statistics on children in out-of-home care, child abuse and neglect, adoption, poverty and other risk factors, and more. 

Bernard P. Perlmutter - Studies in Law, Politics, and Society ,

This article examines the stories that foster care youth tell to legislatures, courts, policymakers, and the public to influence policy decisions.

By Dr. Jean Elphick General Manager: Afrika Tikkun Empowerment Programme,

This report presents the results of an evaluation of Afrika Tikkun's Empowerment Programme.

Diego Silva Balerio and Pablo Dominguez Collette - UNICEF,

La publicación que se presenta pretende ser un aporte en desarrollando herramientas, metodologías de trabajo, y estrategias para desinternar a niños en distintos momentos vitales. A partir de la experiencia de trabajo y la reflexión sobre su propia práctica, La Barca ordena, sistematiza y pone a disposición de todos los actores del sistema de protección a la infancia los principales aprendizajes de la tarea realizada en los últimos años.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare,

These Practice Notes highlight the common barriers to traumatic stress screening in child welfare settings. 


This document provides analysis of child protection needs and risks at the government level to support child protection actors in programmed development, resource mobilasation and advocacy.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book finds today's youth — Generation Z — are healthier and completing high school on time despite mounting economic inequality and increasingly unaffordable college tuition.