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List of Organisations

ACCI Missions & Relief,

This manual from ACCI International is designed to be used by those in the Christian Faith Community who are engaged in Short-Term Missions (STM), including those who send or receive STM teams. The manual is focused on protecting children and families during STM programs.

Walk Free Foundation,

This year’s report on Global Slavery makes reference to orphanage tourism in the context of Cambodia. 

Michael Wessells,

Mental health issues in war-affected children include depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and neurological problems, among others.

Expert Group Meeting, United Nations, Department for Economic and Social Affairs,

The United Nations, Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development released the Final Report of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on "Family Policy Development: Achievements and Challenges” which was produced after the 14-15 May 2015 EGM. The meeting focused on changing families, family law reforms, violence in the family and their impact on family policy development.


Retrak has released a literature review on independent living programmes in an effort to understand the needs of young people coming of age on the streets.


To better understand the impact of donor funding, Lumos is conducting a five-part research study to examine the role of donors across a variety of sectors in propagating, supporting or ending the institutionalization of children. This report on US government funding is the first in the series. 

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

Published jointly with UNICEF, this new BCN Working Paper focuses on the role of gatekeeping in strengthening family-based care and reforming alternative care systems. This Working Paper reviews different approaches to gatekeeping in five countries--Brazil, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Moldova, and Rwanda--to consider what has and has not worked, to analyze lessons learned from practice, and to reflect on the implications for improving policy and programs in this area.

Fatherhood Research and Practice Network,

The Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) will soon release its second request for proposals (RFP) for evaluations of fatherhood programs. The RFP will be released on 2 January 2016, and the purpose of grants is to increase the number and quality of evaluations of fatherhood programs and learn more about how to better serve low-income fathers, racial/ethnic minorities, and other under-studied populations.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The Building Evidence Interest Group (BEIG) of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance is seeking a consultant or consulting team. 

Monica L. Oxford, Maureen Marcenko, Charles B. Fleming, Mary Jane Lohr, Susan J. Spieker - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study reports on the findings from a randomized control trial of a 10-week home visiting program, Promoting First Relationships® (Kelly, Sandoval, Zuckerman, & Buehlman, 2008), for a subsample of 43 reunified birth parents of toddlers that were part of the larger trial.