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List of Organisations

UNICEF, UNHCR, Save the Children and World Vision,

This report of a major conference held in New Delhi in November 2012 entitled “A Better Way to Protect ALL Children: The Theory and Practice of Child Protection Systems”, encapsulates the substantive content of the presentations and related discussion; provides an analysis and documents the journey; and suggest an agenda, or at least direction, for future work on Child Protection systems.

Brigid Schulte, The Washington Post,

This Washington Post article discusses the findings from a major report by the National Academy of Science on child abuse and neglect that found that advances in brain research showed that child abuse and neglect damages not only the way a developing child’s brain functions, but changes the actual structure of the brain itself.

The Economist ,

It is estimated that about 2 million children around the world are living in institutions, though the true figure may be higher. However, according to this article, the number of institutions globally is in decline.

This American Life and Planet Money,

The well known radio show This American Life has collaborated with Planet Money to investigate the work of a charity called GiveDirectly. Instead of funding schools or wells or livestock, GiveDirectly has decided to just give money directly to the poor people who need it, and let them decide how to spend it.

Better Care Network, the Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network and the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG),

This concept note from the Better Care Network (BCN), the Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network (CPC Learning Network) and the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG) calls for the participation of other leading organizations in an inter-agency coalition, the Children’s Care Research Initiative, in an effort to strengthen the evidence base around the best ways to improve care for children and to reinforce global capacity to utilize this evidence.

Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children ,

In her annual report to the UN General Assembly, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General highlights the results of an expert consultation on violence in early childhood. The consultation highlighted the urgency of supporting families and caregivers in their child-rearing responsibilities and securing a responsive national child protection system to strengthen families’ capacity to raise young children in safe environments and prevent child abandonment and placement in residential care.

Key Assets,

This framework outlines what the Key Assets team understand by quality family based foster care and recognises the collective responsibility to promote the rights of children worldwide. Seven standards for providing quality foster care are outlined in this publication.

Michael Kaufman,

This paper highlights the importance of promoting active fatherhood in achieving Save the Children’s goals. The paper suggests that engaging fathers in caregiving and building stronger relationships with their children can help to better protect and meet the needs of children.

The Blog of Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management,

In his blog post, Harold Goodwin explains how learning about the unintended negative impacts of orphanage volunteering and how the decision was made to remove orphanage volunteering trips from’ offerings.


On Wednesday, July 31 2013, UNICEF launched its “#ENDviolence against children” campaign.