
Displaying 3581 - 3590 of 4204

List of Organisations

The National Family Preservation Network ,

The National Family Preservation Network (NFPN) recently released its family assessment tool designed for use in Least Developed Countries (LDC). The tool aims to help a variety of workers serving families in least developed countries by providing methods and approaches to enhance family strengthening.

Gareth Evans, Margaret Richards, Candace Nelson, Mary McVay, Terrence Isert, NtongiMcFadyen, Malini Tolat, Waddington Chinogwenya, Reid Hamel, Karl Frey, Andrew Tulchin and Sunny Yi-Han Lin with collaborations between and contributions from USAID’s LIFT,

This is a resource guide designed for PEPFAR implementing partners to help them effectively design and implement economic strengthening activities for vulnerable children. The guide lists gender, age, social inclusion, conflict, accessibility, chronic illness, and environment as reasons that certain children and households are vulnerable.

Jørgen Carling, Cecilia Menjívar & Leah Schmalzbauer - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,

This article reviews the emerging literature on transnational parenthood, concentrating on six themes: gender, care arrangements, legislation, class, communication and moralities.

Community Places,

This section of the Community Planning Toolkit provides guidance on the issues to consider when planning and designing community engagement. It focuses on quality and effectiveness, process planning and designing engagement tailored to the particular issue, level of participation to be achieved, timeframe and range of stakeholders affected.

International Rescue Committee & UNICEF,

The CCS Guidelines is the “how-to” guide for instructing health and psychosocial field staff responding to children who have experienced sexual abuse in humanitarian settings.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This working paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child examines child neglect and its impacts. 

Channa M.W. Al, Geert Jan J.M. Stams, Miranda S. Bek, Esther M. Damen, Jessica J. Asscher, Peter H. van der Laan - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aimed to establish the effect of brief, in-home intensive family preservation programs on prevention of out-of-home placement, family functioning, child behavior problems and social support.

Cluster de Protection, Groupe de Travail sur la Protection de l'Enfance,

Les Standards minimum pour la protection de l'enfance dans l'intervention humanitaire ont ete developpes pour soutenir les activites en matiere de protection de l'enfance dans les situation d'urgence. Ils visent notamment a etablir des principes communs pour tous les acteurs et a renforcer la coordination entre eux. 


The Framework for the Protection of Children broadens UNHCR’s understanding of and engagement in protection of children. It articulates six goals that encapsulate UNHCR’s commitment to protect and realize the rights of children of concern to the Office, and offers practical guidance on how to achieve them. 


International HIV/AIDS Alliance & Save the Children,

Le présent guide fait partie d’une série de guides de bonne pratique développés par l’International HIV/AIDS Alliance (l’Alliance).