
Displaying 3631 - 3640 of 4204

List of Organisations

Better Care Network ,

Stipulates function, structure and guiding parameters for the interagency network.


PEPFAR, UNICEF and UNAIDS are pleased to invite you to participate, via webinar, in the Fifth Global Partners Forum on Children affected by HIV and AIDS that is taking place in New York on the 3rd and 4th of June

EveryChild ,

This paper summarizes the evidence base on residential care to promote better decision making among policy makers and child welfare practitioners

Chris Dodd,

This handbook aims to provide a useful tool and reference for all those engaging with and within religious communities and faith-based institutions and organisations to prohibit and eliminate corporal punishment of children. It provides information, tools and resources which can be used to work in partnership with others, engage with religious leaders, mobilise support and encourage multi-religious and community collaboration towards the prohibition and elimination of all corporal punishment of children.

Sonia Jackson and Claire Cameron ,

The first comparative study of young people who have been in state care as children and their post-compulsory education, was undertaken by a team of cross-national researchers.


Version adaptée pour les enfants et adolescents des Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants «Ton droit de vivre au sein d'une famille et d'être pris en charge dans toutes les situations que tu traverses».

Amy Bess, Luisa López, Evelyn Tomaszewski - National Association of Social Workers - US (NASW - US), Division for Human Rights & International Affairs,

This Conference explored a range of workforce development strategies, including strategies for planning, training, and supporting the workforce incorporating lessons learned from Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources for Health Initiatives as well as other human and institutional capacity building and training efforts.


Guidance for development and programming of child friendly spaces in emergencies.


Si les Principes directeurs du HCR relatifs a la determination de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant (2008) reste le guide faisant autorite, le Manuel de Terrain est une source complémentaire d’orientations, qui offre des conseils supplémentaires sur la façon d’exécuter le processus de détermination de l’intérêt supérieur en pratique.


Ce guide est conçu pour aider le personnel et les partenaires de l’UNICEF à mettre en place et à faire fonctionner des Espaces amis des enfants (EAE) dans une situation d'urgence.