
Displaying 3851 - 3860 of 4204

List of Organisations

Patricia Lim Ah Ken,

A report on common challenges facing children without parental care in the Caribbean (CARICOM region). It gives an in-depth understanding of why there is a lack of family-based preventative and rehabilitative services for children and provides recommendations.

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,

A report on the situation of the millions of children globally with disabilities, and the challenges faced in realizing their human rights. It gives an overview of international standards, and strategies for advancing the social inclusion of children with disabilities in their families, schools, communities, and wider society.

International Social Service/International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived from their Families (ISS/IRC),

Information gathered by the ISS/IRC on the Muslim practice of Kafalah, which serves as a form of long-term fostering and de-facto adoption.


UNICEF's global statistical report on progress against MDGs and other key child-focused indicators.

Kevin Browne, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, and Shannon Vettor,

Explains the central role of child abuse and neglect in cycles of violence. Highlights interventions critical to preventing cycles of violence.

Save the Children UK,

A set of definitions and explanations designed to clarify the terminology used in child protection and alternative care.

Bob Broad - Save the Children,

This paper aims to present information about the prevalence of kinship care, describe its practice and related issues in different countries, and make recommendations to protect and support children living in kinship care arrangements.

Nel van Beelen (Managing Editor),

An excellent series of articles focusing on livelihood-strengthening programmes for children affected by HIV/AIDS. Emphasis on “AIDS sensitive but not AIDS specific” programming. Links to relevant resources, manuals, and fact sheets.

Interagency Task Team (IATT) on Children and HIV and AIDS: Working Group on Social Protection,

A 4-page advocacy document outlining the potential benefit of cash transfers in the context of children and AIDS.

Arjan de Wagt,

Includes recent highlights from IATT's work, links to relevant information and contacts, and a breakdown of upcoming events.