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List of Organisations

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Fam i lies Administration on Children, Youth and Families Children's Bureau Office on Child Abuse and Neglect,

This manual - the first in a series - provides an overview of the problem of child abuse and neglect and the prevention and intervention processes.

Elena Rossi,

Le choix entre rapatrier un enfant séparé ou le garder dans le pays d’accueil est une question extrêmement complexe et délicate. Cette question nécessite une plus grande réflexion dans le cas d’enfants qui ne sont pas des demandeurs d’asile ou des réfugiés.

Help Age International and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance ,

A publication by International AIDS Alliance and HelpAge International provides an overview of the issues identified by older people and orphans and vulnerable children themselves; examples of community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and orphans and vulnerable children; recommendations that will help to prioritize orphans and their carers within HIV/AIDS and wider development policies, programs and research.

Save the Children Alliance,

A comprehensive guide to organizing consultations with groups of children or young people, and the role of adults in creating a safe and enabling environment for meaningful child participation.

Christina Groark, Robert McCall, Rifkat Muhamedrahimov, Natalia Nikoforova and Oleg Palmov,

Through a review of orphanages in St. Petersburg, Russia, this study examines the causal roles of consistency in caregivers and appropriate caregiving behaviors in the social, emotional, and development of young children.

Judith Ennew,

Outlines a wide range of interventions designed to protect street children, ranging from prevention and reunification to vocational training, economic support, and improved rural infrastracture.

Simon Bagshaw and Diane Paul,

Report of a field-based study of international protection for internally displaced persons. Presents conclusions and recommendations for policy.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Training module outlining key principles concerning the protection of children affected by armed conflict and displacement. Topics include legal frameworks, identifying protection issues, threats to children in emergencies, and promoting healthy child development.

Rachel Brett,

This short paper outlines the factors underlying children's voluntary decisions to join armed groups.

Susan Nicolai and Carl Triplehom,

Examines the link between education and the protection needs of children, with a particular focus on the role of education in emergency response.