
Displaying 4101 - 4110 of 4204

List of Organisations


Outlines links between HIV/AIDS and armed conflict, with emphasis on their joint impacts on children. Summarizes key priorities for dealing with HIV/AIDS, children, and conflict.

K. Siroka,

Brief guidelines on assessing and training foster carers, and supporting children in foster care placements.

Neddy Rita Matshalaga and Greg Powell ,

A brief editorial which argues that only by addressing the fundamental causes of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, such as poverty and social exclusion, will a sustainable solution be achieved. Support for extended families and education for children affected by HIV/AIDS are needed to respond the crisis, as well as a larger scale effort to transfer resources, strengthen economies and secure investments throughout Africa.

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development ,

Brief overview of successes, challenges, threats and programmatic best practices in addressing the needs of children affected by AIDS.

Catherine Panter-Brick,

An analysis of the multi-level factors present in the lives of children living and working on the streets. The author advocates for integrating human rights and child participation based approaches into interventions and supports for at-risk children.

Meredith Kiraly ,

Residential Child Care Staff Selection: Choose With Care draws upon international research and the experience of practitioners to help you improve your ability to recruit the best staff in residential care settings for children.  

Save the Children Alliance, UNHCR, UNICEF and OHCHR,

Training materials on the threats to children’s development from displacement and armed conflict and other emergency situations. It includes guidance on strategies to promote children’s development in adverse conditions.

Peace Corps Center for Field Assistance and Applied Research,

A comprehensive guide to training young people on the development of life skills, such as communication, decision-making, and relationships.

Save the Children Alliance, UNHCR, UNICEF and OHCHR,

A training resource pack on skills for working effectively with children, particularly children in distress.

Mark Lorey,

Outlines the planning and implementation of programs focused on recruitment prevention, demobilization, or reintegration of child soldiers. Includes notes on situation analysis, monitoring, and evaluation.