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The Adoption Institute offers this policy brief, with the purpose of examining the role of intercountry adoption in situations such as the one caused by the tsunami – that is, during natural disasters, armed conflicts, and other complex human emergencies
In this Information Note, the Hague Convention urges that the focus in emergencies should first be on child protection, rather than adoption. In the spirit of this Recommendation, it is clear that in a disaster situation, like that brought about by the earthquake, efforts to reunite a displaced child with his or her parents or family members must take priority. Premature and unregulated attempts to organise the adoption of such a child abroad should be avoided.
Address key messages and considerations for preventing separation; ensuring identification, tracing and family reunification is prioritized; and facilitating interim care, alternative care and adoption where necessary.
An interagency review of the available global evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms, their effectiveness, cost, scalability, sustainability and impact on children’s protection and wellbeing
This in-depth working paper explains how genes and the environment interact, and gives recommendations for ways that caregivers and policymakers can effectively respond to the science.
From preventative strategies to transitional and permanency solutions, the Mockingbird Family Model (MFM) offers a comprehensive support structure for families and children across the continuum of the child welfare experience. This resource briefly describes the MFM and its current activities.
The present volume contains the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly from 15 September to 24 December 2009, including the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children on page 376.
Le SSI/CIR a conduit une étude sur la place de la santé des enfants adoptés dans le processus de l'adoption. Afin de brosser un tableau aussi complet que possible, des informations tirées de la pratique ont été collectées par voie de questionnaire, et différents systèmes mis en place à travers le monde ont été analysés.
Depuis des siècles, la situation des « orphelins » et des enfants abandonnés a généré non seulement des préoccupations, mais aussi des réponses concrètes de divers types. Ces réactions ont suscité des remises en question assez fondamentales, notamment pour ce qui est des placements en institution et, plus récemment, des justifications admissibles pour que la séparation des enfants d’avec leurs parents soit avalisée, voire imposée, par les autorités.
This report, produced by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS provides an update on the global AIDS epidemic as well as information on HIV prevention and treatment, HIV/AIDS as it relates to human rights and gender, HIV investments, HIV/AIDS estimates and data, and country progress indicators and data. Particularly relevant to children’s care are the sections on children orphaned due to the loss of one or both parents to HIV/AIDS.