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List of Organisations


The report’s objective is to promote the use of these data to make children with disabilities more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences.


Millions of children with disabilities around the globe continue to be left behind, despite the near-universal ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the call for action embedded in the Convention on the Rights of Persons


Children with disabilities and children on the move represent highly diverse populations living in a broad range of circumstances. But as two of the most marginalized groups of children in the world, there is much they have in common, often-times neglected in data collection, policies and programming. This report examines children’s lives when these two identities intersect.

Changing the Way We Care,

This learning brief was developed as part of the CTWWC 2022 annual report and shares learning from across different contexts. It is intended to showcase how the transition of care services is happening and how it can be supported.


UNICEF's DIPAS is a roadmap for greater cross-sectoral coordination for disability inclusion to be mainstreamed across the organization at every level to meet the needs of the world’s 240 million children with disabilities.

ODI, in partnership with UNICEF and with funding from the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

Authored by the ODI in partnership with UNICEF, this paper assesses the benefits of inclusive social protection from a displacement and child-centred perspective.

Global Collaborative Platform on Transforming Children's Care, Palladium, D4I,

The Transforming Care Collaborative's Task Force on Measurement seeks to engage the services of an independent technical expert consultant to review existing frameworks and tools that measure the progress and outcomes of reforms at the system level and map ongoing efforts to strengthen care reform measurement at global, regional, and country levels.

International Public Policy Association Conference ,

The "Family-Support Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Tool to Promote Child Care and Development" panel is interested in interdisciplinary perspectives to answer the question: how do family-support policies contribute to enhancing childcare/supervision and development in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC)?

Better Care Network,

Better Care Network (BCN) is seeking a Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Specialist. The Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Specialist is responsible for ensuring effective information sharing, communication, and engagement of a wide range of stakeholders and partners as part of key inter-agency initiatives which BCN is facilitating, in particular the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative. 

Research Program on Children and Adversity - Boston College,

Research Scientist will oversee aspects of program implementation, research design, data management, data analysis related to the aims of the RPCA research portfolio focused on longitudinal and spillover research as well as implementation science.