Regions & Countries

Displaying 12361 - 12370 of 14579


This article by Tengrinnews reports that Kazakhstan plans to introduce major changes to its orphans and disadvantaged children programs.

Save the Children,

This leaflet is a mapping of Save the children’s role and work in promoting the engagement of fathers. It presents some of the evidence of the benefits of involving fathers and some of the strategies used by the organization and others.

The Independent, Ian Burrell,

This article highlights the impact three recent television documentaries on British television have had on public awareness and understanding of foster care and adoption processes.

The Independent, Ian Burrell ,

This article highlights the impact of three recent television documentaries on British television have had on public awareness and understanding of foster care and adoption processes.

The Independent, Ian Burrell,

This article highlights the impact three recent television documentaries on British television have had on public awareness and understanding of foster care and adoption processes.

Human Dignity Foundation,

The Human Dignity Foundation (HDF) invites organisations to respond to a Call for Proposals on child protection. The purpose of the call is to identify projects that will contribute to ensuring that ‘all children are safer at home and in the community’.

Chanel Nagaishi and Jini L. Roby,

This powerful chart illustrates preliminary research findings using data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in 5 African countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Uganda and Zimbabwe) to better understand how orphan status affects the school attendance of children in Africa and the extent to which living in kinship care can act as a protective factor in this context.

Wessells, M., Kostelny, K., and Ondoro, K.,

The research which is the focus of this report involves systematic learning about existing CBCPMs and their linkage with formal, government led aspects of the wider child protection system.

Doha International Family Institution – International Conference ,

This is a Call to Action issued by the Doha International Family Institute commemorating the International Year of the Family.  

Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Ingrid Højer, Yvonne Sjöblom, Jan Storø,

This article provides an overview of the current situation in the out-of-home care in Norway and Sweden. Development in later years is described and discussed, including the trends towards privatization of the welfare system in both countries and the role of private, commercial actors within the care sector including out-of-home care for children and young people.