Displaying 12581 - 12590 of 14579
Termes de Références pour le recrutement d’un consultant international pour guider une initiative de recherche : comprendre et améliorer les mécanismes informels de protection de remplacement pour une meilleure prise en charge et une meilleure protection des enfants – Regard sur la prise en charge par des proches et le confiage au Sénégal.
Drawing on existing peer-reviewed and grey literature, this article provides an overview of the major components of care reform in Ghana, including reintegration with the extended family, foster care and adoption. In addition, the article discusses the prospects and challenges involved in achieving the reform's intended component.
The study examined alternative family and community care options and how they can be strengthened; cultural attitudes and perceptions of the communities and experiences of prospective foster and adoptive parents as regards reunification, kinship care, fostering and adoption.
Este trabajo pretende identificar los principales problemas que enfrentan los países de la región en relación al tema y desarrolla someramente algunos de los estándares de derechos humanos que deben ser observados, con el objetivo de contribuir sustancialmente a la adecuación de los sistemas de protección en lo que refiere a la utilización de la internación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en las instituciones de protección.
The purpose of this research is to learn about community-based child protection processes and mechanisms in two refugee camps in Rwanda – Gihembe and Kiziba.
The aim of this note is to outline some ways of engaging with community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs), especially within the education sector, which apply in both urban and rural protracted refugee settings.
The main purpose of this final, summative evaluation is to evaluate the final results and achievements of the "Developing community based services for children with disabilities and their families’’ project in relation to the project log frame and theory of change.
This report from USAID, prepared by the European Network on Independent Living, features the findings from a study on why little progress has been made to end the institutionalization of people with disabilities in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
A report on the evidence of children’s wellbeing relating economic strengthening programs and the need for expanded monitoring and evaluations.
This important study on foster care practices in India provides important insight into the history, approaches, challenges and opportunities facing the development of foster care services in the country, presenting a picture of foster care practices across nine Indian states.