Eastern Africa

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List of Organisations


Lumos worked together with partners on the family-based care for unaccompanied children project between 2018 and 2020, in four camps in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. This evaluation report considers the various components of the project and provides recommendations to child protection and refugee response practitioners, with the aim of improving the quality of child protection programming and its impact on unaccompanied children in refugee contexts.

GHR Foundation,

The goals of Catholic Care for Children in Uganda (CCCU) are to enable children to grow up in safe environments, reduce recourse to institutional care, and encourage family- and community-based care for children. This midterm evaluation examines what has been accomplished in the four years since the program began.

UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care, The National Child Development Agency,

This virtual study tour aims to provide you with a strong understanding of care reform in Rwanda
from the comfort of your own home.

National Child Development Agency, Rwanda and UNICEF Rwanda,

This participant’s handbook relates to Module 3 of the Government of Rwanda’s Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) training programme. It is for Child Protection and Welfare Officers who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children, including children with disabilities from residential institutions.

National Child Development Agency, Rwanda and UNICEF Rwanda,

This training package is primarily for Government of Rwanda’s Child Protection and Welfare Officers who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children (including children with disabilities) from residential institutions.

National Child Development Agency, Rwanda and UNICEF Rwanda,

This operational guidance describes how the Government of Rwanda conducts case management for reintegration of children from residential institutions to family-based care, including children with disabilities.

Centre of Excellence for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems - International Development Research Centre (IDRC),

This paper aims to contribute to the achievement of Target 16.9 under Sustainable Development Goal 16 by analyzing the role of the civil register and the legal underpinnings for identity in four countries: Afghanistan, Georgia, Rwanda, and South Africa. It describes institutional and operational models in each country that support universal registration of births, deaths, and other vital events.

Linha Fala Criança,

Âmbito de aplicação: O âmbito deste resumo temático é examinar casos de uniões prematuras registados pela Linha Fala Criança, abrangendo o período de Fevereiro de 2018 a Novembro de 2020.

WLSA Moçambique,

Nesta pesquisa temos como objectivos centrais:
1. Identificar no contexto mundial, regional e nacional quais são as estratégias e as políticas públicas relativamente à situação das raparigas e mulheres.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series, Family for Every Child presents the programming of three CSOs on how they are supporting kin carers and the vulnerable children in their care, in their respective regions.