Southern Africa

Displaying 371 - 380 of 543

List of Organisations

Parenting in Africa Network (PAN),

This publication, produced by the Parenting in Africa Network (PAN), highlights the skillful parenting practices of several pastoral communities in Africa. 

YONECO & Parenting in Africa Network,

This report summarises the presentations and conclusions from the 2nd Pan-African annual conference on parenting held on the 16-17th October 2013 in Malawi on the theme of "Understanding realities of teenage parenting: a special focus on adolescents (boys and girls) with parenting responsibilities."

African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) held its twenty-second Ordinary Session from 4-8 November 2013 and issued its first General Comment on the African Charter regarding the rights and welfare of children of incarcerated and imprisoned parents and primary caregivers.

Save the Children and Better Care Network,

Save the Children East Africa Regional Office (EARO) and Better Care Network (BCN) are looking to recruit a Better Care Network (BCN) Regional Technical & Knowledge Management Specialist.

Parenting in Africa,

PAN has translated its materials into Portuguese, French, and Kiswahili.

Presenters: Mia Dambach, Clare Feinstein, George Nyakora,

Representatives from International Social Service, Save the Children, and SOS Children’s Villages met with the African Committee on Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child during its 21st session on 15 April, 2013 to present on the international Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (UNGA resolution A/RES/64/142) and its new implementation Handbook “Moving Forward.”

Déclaration conjointe inter-agences* (liste en bas de page),

Cette déclaration conjointe inter-agences a pour but de (i) de présenter une vision commune des systèmes de protection de l’enfance en Afrique subsaharienne et d’expliquer pourquoi ils sont importants et méritent des investissements et (ii) lancer un appel à l’action auprès des gouvernements, à l’Union africaine, aux communautés économiques régionales, aux institutions multilatérales, aux bailleurs de fonds, au secteur privé, aux institutions académiques, aux organisations de la société civile, aux communautés et aux groupes d’enfants et de jeunes organisés.

Inter-Agency Working Group (list of organizations below),

Thirteen agencies working in Africa have issued a Joint Statement calling on African governments to strengthen their child protection systems to secure the right of children to a life free from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect in both emergency and non-emergency settings.

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted as part of its examination of Namibia’s combined second and third periodic reports at the 61th Session of the Committee held between 17 September and 5 October 2012, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Oxford Policy Management,

Cash transfers to households are becoming an increasingly common policy instrument for reducing poverty in some countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This Briefing Note describes a simple ex-ante ‘microsimulation’ tool to determine whether launching a cash transfer programme will have an affordable impact on poverty.