
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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List of Organisations

Patience A. Afulani, Jacqueline M. Torres, May Sudhinaraset, Joseph Asunka,

This paper examines the association between cross-border ties and cross-border separation with the health of sub-Saharan African (SSA) migrant adults living in metropolitan France using data from the nationally representative “Trajectoire et Origines” survey.


A PSA produced by Hillside Digital Trust about Kick4Life's work in supporting vulnerable children in Lesotho

Making Cents International,

This Coaching Guide supports Para-Social Workers (PSWs) to provide households with targeted coaching to increase the adoption of new skills, practices, and knowledge key to child and family wellbeing.

FrameWorks Institute, DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development, Stellenbosch University, UNICEF, and the MRC/Wits Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit ,

This report identifies key communications challenges faced by experts and advocates as they seek to elevate support for public policies that will best serve the developmental needs of all children in South Africa.

Eddy J. Walakira, Ismael Ddumba-Nyanzi, Luwangula Ronald - Terres des Hommes Netherlands and Makerere University,

Strong Beginnings (SB) was an 18-month project purposed to promote an alternative care model that places emphasis on family based care of children, improving the quality of care within child care institutions, build capacities of government and non-government agencies in implementing alternative care; generate evidence and promote learning. 

Zuilkowski S.S., Collet K, Jambai M., Akinsulure-Smith A.M., Betancourt T.S.,

In Sierra Leone, as in conflict and postconflict settings around the world, youth are coping with their exposure to violence during conflict as well as the poverty and displacement that follow war and the stigma that can persist long after involvement with armed groups has ended.


According to this article, in 2015, the instability in Burundi and in the Democratic Republic of Congo resulted in 2,965 persons (mainly from DRC, Burundi and Somalia) applying for asylum in Zambia. Last year, UNHCR was informed that 147 persons of concern, including 24 asylum-seekers and 18 children were being detained for immigration-related purposes. 

Mamelani Projects,

This paper initiates discussion by calling on Child and Youth Care (CYCCs) to offer transitional support to youth leaving care.  It also intends to document and share information on new ways for youth to successfully transition out of care.

Ulene Schiller & Gideon de Wet - Qualitative Social Work,

This paper analyses the experiences of adolescents in foster care placement with specific reference to participatory decision making in an indigenous African cultural context in South Africa. 

Aminu Abubakar - Yahoo! News,

Experts warn of a growing divide between women who were captured and children born to Boko Haram militants and the rest of the population.