Northern America

Displaying 1681 - 1690 of 2408

List of Organisations

HaksoonAhn, Diane DePanfilis, Kevin Frick, Richard P. Barth - Children and Youth Services Review,

The objectives of this study are to: use the methodology of a 2007 study to establish foster care minimum adequate rates for children (MARC) based on the child's age and geographical location in every state; update the MARC with cost of living adjustments to 2016; examine changes in gaps between the MARC and the current foster care rates; and identify states that have made increases to their reimbursement rates, relative to the MARC over time. 

Haksoon Ahn, Diane DePanfilis, Kevin Frick, Richard P. Barth - Children and Youth Services Review,

The objectives of this study are to: use the methodology of a 2007 study to establish foster care minimum adequate rates for children (MARC) based on the child's age and geographical location in every state; update the MARC with cost of living adjustments to 2016; examine changes in gaps between the MARC and the current foster care rates; and identify states that have made increases to their reimbursement rates, relative to the MARC over time. 

Irene Tung, Amanda N. Noroña, Steve S. Lee, Audra K. Langley, Jill M.Waterman - Child Abuse and Neglect,

This study examined predictions of externalizing behaviors (EB) from childhood to adolescence/young adulthood from temperament, preadoption maltreatment, and adoptive family cohesion.

CPC Learning Network,

As debates about immigration roil the national political dialogue in the United States, the CPC Learning Network will host a webinar to discuss the mass exodus of unaccompa

Children's Bureau,

This data brief presents data highlights that compare the outcomes reported by youth in the second NYTD cohort at ages 17 and 19.

Catholic Relief Services, Changing the Way We Care,

This review is a summary of the literature, from multiple disciplines, on residential child care and its deleterious effects on children.

Garet Fryar, Elizabeth Jordan & Kerry DeVooght - Child Trends,

Child Trends conducted a national survey of state independent living coordinators (Survey on Services and Supports for Young People Transitioning from Foster Care). 

Margarita Villagrana, Cindy Guillen, Vanessa Macedo, Sei-Young Lee - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores self-stigma in the utilization of mental health services while in foster care and whether the stigma developed while in foster care impacts mental health service use upon foster care exit. 

Jeffrey Waid, Brianne H. Kothari, Bowen M.McBeath, Lew Bank - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to identify factors that contribute to the relational well-being of youth in substitute care. 

National Child Traumatic Stress Network & Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders,

This webinar series provides clinicians, counselors, and other helpers with insights on recognizing and dealing with the most difficult crises and turning points that occur in therapy with traumatized children and families.