Northern America

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List of Organisations

Raymond V. Gutterswijk, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Navisha Lautan, Elsemieke G. Kunst, Frank C. P.van der Horst, Geert Jan J. M. Stams, Children and Youth Services Review,

This multilevel meta-analysis compared the outcomes of Treatment Foster Care Oregon for Adolescents (TFCO-A) and home-based treatment programs (HBT) with residential youth care for children and youth aged 0 to 23 years.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This paper from the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides guidance for state child welfare agencies on what to consider when developing a preventive practice model that aligns with the requirements of Family First, addresses the unique needs of families within local communities and ensures that selected programs and practices are feasible to implement with quality.

Michael Fitzgerald - The Chronicle of Social Change,

New York City's child welfare agency is “'aggressively' hunting for space to house [foster] youth who are sick or who need to be moved away from ill caretakers," according to this article from the Chronicle of Social Change.

Council for Exceptional Children,

In this webinar, veteran online instructors help identify steps to move online and strategies for adapting the lessons already in motion to this new format. 

Fred Wulczyn & Sara Feldman - Implementation Science 3.0,

In this chapter, the authors describe the scale-up and impact of a linked multilevel intervention in a public child welfare system.

Leila Fadel - NPR,

In this segment for National Public Radio (NPR), a parent of a child in foster care and several child welfare professionals describe how they are navigating in-person visits, emergency removals and foster placements in the time of the COVD-19 pandemic.

Marty Beyer and S. Auguste Elliott - The Chronicle of Social Change,

This article from the Chronicle of Social Change offers suggestions for how children in foster care can remain connected with their families during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing is required and in-person meetings are not safe to conduct.

Children's Bureau, U.S. Administration for Children and Families,

This article from the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Administration for Children and Families provides information and resources on the COVID-19 crisis for child welfare workers, children involved in the child welfare system, foster care providers, and more.

Generations United,

This factsheet from Generations United provides grandparents who are raising grandchildren with resources and information on how to stay healthy, informed and connected in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This statement from the Center for the Study of Social Policy emphasizes the need to respond to the needs of children, youth, and families who are likely to suffer most during the COVID-19 crisis, including children, youth, and families in institutional settings and families involved in the child welfare system.