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Analysis of policy and service model used to identify barriers in the delivery of alternative care services for children.
The purpose of this study is to inform stakeholders about the current status of social work in the region, describe the practice environment, identify gaps between what is expected of social workers and the reality, provide examples of best practices, and make recommendations for furthering the development of social work in the region.
The purpose of this report is to create a strategy for assessing the status and progress of child welfare reform in CEE/CIS countries using the best available quantitative and qualitative information.
Guidelines for recording a comprehensive assessment of the child. Outlines questions to be asked during the assessment.
This briefing note from the AIDS Alliance is part of a series of briefing notes to assist policy-makers, programme managers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), local government and communities to respond to the needs of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Asia.
Standards for shelters and care providers responding to children who have been trafficked. It gives guidance and practice examples of intake procedures, interim and longer term care, support services, integration and reunification
A website that contains statistical information on children in 27 countries across Central and Eastern Europe. The site contains relevant child protection indicators, including the number of children in institutional care.
This report reviews the faltering progress made in childcare reform across Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over the 15 years since the ‘orphanages’ of Romania were revealed to the world.
The TransMONEE statistical tables display indicators of human welfare in the 27 countries of CEE/CIS and Baltic States. Population, natality, maternal and child mortality, health, education, child protection and economics serve as the key indicators.
This report examines the social and economic trends and challenges affecting children in CEE/CIS and the Baltic States. Social orphanhood, maternal and infant mortality rates, deaths from accidents and injuries, infectious disease, and low public health expenditures are addressed.