Southeastern Asia

Displaying 501 - 510 of 721

List of Organisations

Dr. Philip Cook, Rebeccah Nelems and Dr. Mike Wessells - World Vision UK ,

The purpose of the research highlighted in this report was to assess and analyze the extent to which World Vision UK is reaching ‘the most poor and marginalised’ or Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) through its Child Protection programming in Cambodia, Tanzania, and Eastern DRC.


The purpose of this research was to capture more accurate and detailed information regarding children in various forms of alternative care in Thailand, as well as the legal, policy, management and oversight environment surrounding them in order to plan and programme more strategically in the area of alternative care, and simultaneously contribute to the global evidence base for international findings and recommendations on alternative care.

One Sky Foundation,

This document contains the result of a survey taken in December 2014 of children’s homes located in Sangkhlaburi, Thailand.  

Christian Alliance for Orphans,

The organizations profiled in these case studies have pioneered effective transitions from residential to family-based care. 

Annie Edwards & Jini Roby - Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive - Family, Home, and Social Sciences,

This one-page presentation outlines the research questions, data, methods, results, literature review, discussion and implications of a study that looked at the effects of a child’s relationship to head of household, age, and orphan status on the severity of discipline they receive in Ghana, Iraq, Costa Rica, Vietnam,and Ukraine.

USAID (DCOF), CPC Network, Women’s Refugee Commission and FHI360,


Xinhua News Agency - Global Post ,

The Central Authority for Inter-Country Adoptions of Cambodia has begun to enter into agreements with several countries to resume inter-country adoptions, after a four-year suspension due to child trafficking concerns, according to the article.

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children,

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, Maria Santos Pais, met with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Commission on the Rights of Women and Children in Jakarta, Indonesia. The meeting included updates from the ASEAN Commissioners on efforts and reforms in the region to ensure children’s protection from violence.

Karleen Gribble - The Conversation ,

Some private schools in Australia are taking students on volunteer trips to orphanages in Asia. But “what do these trips mean for the children in orphanages?,” this article asks.