Southern Asia

Displaying 661 - 670 of 682

List of Organisations

UNICEF and the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India,

A comprehensive guide to conducting medical examinations, particularly age determination tests, in medico-legal cases of child victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

John Frederick for Planete Enfants,

Operational standards and guidance for residential care facilities for girls and women survivors of trafficking and abuse. It covers administration and staff, confidentiality, care planning, responding to immediate and longer term support needs, psychosocial care, life skills and reintegration activities.

UNICEF & the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India,

A comprehensive guide to the rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of child victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

E. Wayne,

Documenting shifting attitudes on adoption in India. Highlights persistent difficulties in national policy reform.

Vera Chrobok,

Examines the planning, coordination, and early implementation of UNICEF’s programme to demobilize and reintegrate war-affected youth in the context of Afghanistan’s reconstruction process.

National Department of Probation and Child Care – Sri Lanka,

Outlines specific guidelines for targeting, sponsor contact, benefits, and monitoring in child sponsorship programmes in Sri Lanka.

Oxfam International,

Briefing note advocating cash transfers in disaster relief, with a particular focus on operations in Sri Lanka and Indonesia following the tsunami in 2004.

Save the Children Sri Lanka and Save the Children Canada,

A situation analysis of children in institutional care that includes policy implications and key recommendations.

Westwater International Partnerships,

Situation analysis of Afghan children living in institutional care. Includes detailed recommendations for strengthening policies and services in the child welfare system.

Claire O'Kane,

Focuses on the work of the Butterflies Programme for Street and Working Children in India. Advocates for participatory approaches in child-focused development work.