
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 31 - 40 of 1830

List of Organisations

Urvashi Kaushik, Sruti Mohanty, Mukta Naik, Hyun Hee Ban,

This chapter highlights the need for social protection and welfare benefits to be portable with the ability for migrants families to access entitlements as they move between locations. This chapter focuses on how this is implemented in India's labour economy.

Sivan Balslev,

This article uses the lens of childhood history to shed light on some of the intricacies of the attempts to regulate child labor in Iran and to analyze Western observers’ views on this issue.

Shiv Sahay Singh - The Hindu,

NGO says West Bengal should take the initiative and provide support to the children and their families who were rescued as bonded labourers

Nur Syuhada Mohd Munir, Haniza Rais,

This phenomenological study explores how five institutionalised Malay adolescents used adaptive strategies towards independent living upon being released from welfare institutions. Five 17-year-old Malay Muslim adolescents, three males and two females, were recruited via purposive sampling for a focus group discussion to gather insights into their plans and strategies to cope with life challenges after being released from their respective welfare institutions.

End Corporal Punishment,

This is a corporal punishment country report for Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, the Law on Protection of Child Rights 2019 prohibits corporal punishment in alternative care settings and in penal institutions.

BBC World Service,

Amy and Ano are twins, but just after they were born they were taken from their mother and sold to separate families.They found out about each other by chance and as they delved into their past, they realised thousands of babies in Georgia were stolen from hospitals and sold for adoption, some as recently as 2005. Now they want answers.

Thaslima Begum, Rosie Swash - The Guardian,

Police start to interview witnesses following Guardian reports on adoptions to the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago

Thaslima Begum - The Guardian,

Women living in camps for refugees of Bangladesh’s war of independence were told a local care home would look after their children. Decades on, many are still searching for them.

VN Express International,

Many children in Vietnam who lost their parents to COVID aren't getting by as support from the outside world is unsustainable.

Thailand Department of Children and Youth, Alternative Care Thailand (ACT), World Childhood Foundation - Sweden,

This is a summary of every private residential care facility in the Chiang Rai Province of Thailand, including institutional care homes, children’s homes, and residential schools. This summary provides an extensive and useful data set for those interested in the reform of private children's homes.