Northern Europe

Displaying 201 - 210 of 1561

List of Organisations

Wenche Hovland, Sarah Hean - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores young people's perceptions of changes in the quality of sibling relationships and the pathways relationships follow during the transition from the biological family into care.

Sondre Aasen Nilsen, Kristin Gärtner Askeland, Dora Poni Joseph Loro, Anette Christine Iversen, Karen J. Skaale Havnen, Tormod Bøe, Ove Heradstveit - Child & Family Social Work,

This study aimed to compare mental health problems and health service use among adolescents receiving in-home services (IHS), living in foster care (FC) and general population youth (GP).

Paul McCafferty, Joe Duffy, David Hayes - British Journal of Social Work,

This article presents findings from an exploratory in-depth qualitative research project with seventeen child welfare professionals exploring their permanency decisions with regards to Looked after Children.

Peter Appleton, Isabelle Hung, Caroline Barratt - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This qualitative study addresses the question: In the context of transitioning from out-of-home care, what reflexive meanings do ‘avowedly’ self-reliant individuals attribute to current social support and social relationships?

Maura Daly, Mark Smith - International Journal of Social Pedagogy,

This article offers an account of the authors’ experiences as foster carers for an unaccompanied asylum seeker (and through him, supporting other asylum-seeking boys).

Mike Stein - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores the history of the rights movement of young people in care in England between 1973 and 2011.

John Pinkerton - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper aims to promote thinking about care leave leaving from a historical perspective.

Jan Storø - Child & Family Social Work,

The article discusses two previously published articles by the author and two co‐authors, where the topics are the history of leaving care support in Norway and how the Nordic welfare model may represent a problematic frame for leaving care support.

Maria Lotty - Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies,

This paper suggests a new framework, Trauma-informed Foster Care that was developed to reflect the experience of the Irish foster care system, may be helpful to support more collaborative practices between foster carers and social workers in an Irish context.

Mariela Neagu - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article explores the concept of care and the responsibility assumed by ‘states’ when taking children into care.