Northern Europe

Displaying 191 - 200 of 1561

List of Organisations

Minister for Children and Young People, Scottish Government,

This document presents guidance supporting implementation of the new duties for Scottish local authorities: that every looked after child will live with their brothers and sisters, where appropriate to do so.

Scottish Government,

Update on administration and decision making work taking place since the The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill was passed by Parliament in March 2021.

Fiona Dyer (Children & Young People’s Centre for Justice) and Irina Beaton (Scottish Child Law Centre),

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ), in collaboration with the Scottish Child Law Centre, has produced a resource to support Scottish solicitors and practitioners with Good Practice Principles when representing care experienced children in police custody, to ensure their rights are upheld.


In June 2020 CELCIS produced the first Lifelong Links Briefing, outlining the ongoing evaluation of Lifelong Links in Scotland. In it, we presented some of the initial topics that were emerging from the data we had received or collected. The aim was to help local sites and Family Rights Group to continue to develop their practice and improve the lives of children and young people in Scotland.

Alex McTier and Ruth Sills - CELCIS, e Scottish Government Children and Families Collective Leadership Group,

This report was prepared by CELCIS in collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders in Scotland to inform the Scottish Government Children and Families Collective Leadership Group's consideration of the impact of COVID-19 on children and families.

Kirsty Capes - The Guardian,

In this article for the Guardian, Kirsty Capes tells her story of being taken into care at the age of two, and not knowing the exact reasons why.

Tearfund Ireland,

This conference, hosted by Tearfund Ireland, will explore the topic of Care Reform and why volunteering in orphanages is changing. 

Heine Steinkopf, Dag Nordanger, Brynjulf Stige & Anne Marita Milde - Child & Youth Services ,

Trauma informed care (TIC) emphasizes the importance of professionals maintaining an emotionally regulated state. For this article, the authors interviewed eight staff members in a residential care unit for children and adolescents where TIC had been implemented, about situations wherein they experienced difficulty regulating their own emotions.

Latvian Public Broadcasting,

"The process of deinstitutionalization in Latvia is moving forward," says this article from Latvian Public Broadcasting. "The number of children in institutions has decreased three times over the past decade, the Ministry of Welfare (LM) told Latvian Radio May 12."

Sarah Parry, Tracey Williams, Jeremy Oldfield - Health and Social Care in the Community,

The authors of this study sought to understand how experiences within the workforce could improve overall working conditions, and thus outcomes for staff and children.