Northern Europe

Displaying 221 - 230 of 1561

List of Organisations

Lene Myong & Mons Bissenbakker - NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research,

This article attempts to initiate a critical dialogue on the politics of love and attachment by investigating the way in which the concept of attachment governs the field of transnational adoption.

Rebecca Watts - Practice,

This paper reports on a small-scale, qualitative evaluation of an approach to working with children in care launched in Brighton and Hove called Me and My World. Core principles of the model are explained including continuity of relationship between social workers and children in care; a statutory review process which promotes participation of the child and young person and a recording system where social workers, IRO’s and foster carers write reports for review directly to the child.

Madeleine Wirzén, Asta Čekaitė - Qualitative Social Work,

In this study, the authors examine the structure and function of professional social workers’ follow-up questions in assessment talk with adoption applicants.

Rebecca K Jones, David Westlake - Qualitative Social Work,

This essay describes the impact of the pandemic on the authors' experiences as Independent Visitors (IVs) for children who are looked-after.

Caitlin Hitchcock, Benjamin Goodall, Olivia Sharples, Richard Meiser-Stedman, Peter Watson, Tamsin Ford, Tim Dalgleish - Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This article explores population-level prevalence of Posttraumatic stress disorder for Young Children (PTSD-YC) to test whether application of Alternative Algorithm for PTSD (AA-PTSD) criteria, relative to the DSM-IV PTSD algorithm, increases identification of 5-6 year old children with clinical needs, in both the general population, and among looked-after-children where the risk of mental health issues is greater.

Sarah Taylor - Coram,

Coram, the UK’s first children’s charity, commissioned YouGov to carry out an online poll of 2,092 UK adults, who were asked questions regarding children in care and care leavers. YouGov provided a breakdown of responses by groups of respondents and Coram's own qualitative and quantitative analysis of the answers follows.

Georgia Philip, Stuart Bedston, Lindsay Youansamouth, John Clifton, Karen Broadhurst, Marian Brandon, Yang Hu - Nuffield Foundation,

This mixed methods research project, involving twenty participating local authorities and eight voluntary organisations from a wide geographic spread across England, was carried out between 2017 and 2019. The study was designed to investigate fathers and their recurring appearance in care proceedings at a macro, meso and micro level, with each element collecting and analysing data for distinct but related research questions.

Simon Carswell - The Irish Times,

"One-third of foster carers have said that a lack of structure for their foster children during the Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenge, according to a new survey," says this article from the Irish Times.

Maritta Törrönen - The British Journal of Social Work,

The interview data gathered in this study explored young adults’ well-being during the transition period from care to independent living under an English local authority and in Finland.

Anne Marita Milde, Hedda Bjanger Gramm, Ingeborg Paaske, Pia Granli Kleiven, Øivin Christiansen, Karen J. Skaale Havnen - Child & Family Social Work,

The overall aim of this article to gain updated knowledge on how children and youth who have received or are receiving child welfare (CW) interventions from the Nordic CWS fare in relation to suicidality.